Ryan's Headphone Review Thread

I would say if you want that more lush sound it would be worth doing. You seem to love your HD650's so I can't see it being a negative. The K712 foams are a bit more dense feeling as well and it seems to give a more fuller low end so if you can get the foams that specifically come with the current 712 they would help.

If you use your 702's for gaming I'd leave them as close I stock as possible though.

The last sentence brought me back to my senses :D

I've been using the AKG's a lot while I'm testing the Siverstone combo and I think I was just missing the HD650 sound. They are my gaming headphones though so I think I'll leave them as they are.

I do wish the ear pads were softer though, the seal is non-existent just below and behind my ears, so much so that I can slide a pen in there without disturbing the pad.
Excellent thread Ryan, very informative read.

Can I ask you of all the headphones you own, which do you find most comfortable for long hours use?
Some new gear coming.

AKG K501 arrived waiting for me at home!
Another HD650
Little Dot MKiii plus mullard tubes and other tubes!


Nice! I'm pretty interested in the old K5xx range. I know a few people have said that they prefer the K500 (not sure about the 501) over most of the current AKG range.

Ever heard the D7000? Looking to buy some

The old Denon range was decent but nothing amazing (imo). They need a bit of basic modding to bring out their true potential (I did the Lawton mod on my old D5000's).

If you want the 'improved' version of the old Dx000 range take a look at the Fostex TH600 (or TH900 if you can pony up the cash). Fostex (or Foster) was basically the OEM manufacturer for Denon and when they parted ways, Fostex improved the existing driver design for the old Dx000 series and made the TH600/900.
The K501 I'm finding to be on a similar level to the HD600 series when it comes to ability. They are incredibly airy and light, I need to try them in DH mode to see if the staging expands like crazy like the K701. The mids are stunning, they are not overly forward and intimate like I usually like but they have such a realistic voicing to them.

Vocals sound so pure and clean it's really something vocal fans need to hear. Instruments sound crisp and realistic too. They don't have the bass I usually want but it's extended enough to not get put off. To be honest the mids are so good, I just don't care I've got other bassey headphones to fill that role but I still find them snappy enough for pretty much anything personally.

Compared to the HD650 they are not as romantic and dreamy sounding but they are more pure and musical. They make a great pair actually! The vocals sound more intimate and mellow with the Senns but the K501's sound like real life. I like the HD650's better overall slightly but I think the K 501 have special mids that give the closest life performance feeling yet.

I'm keeping these for sure, they are a classic and it's nice to own something so rare that sounds amazing.
The K501 I'm finding to be on a similar level to the HD600 series when it comes to ability. They are incredibly airy and light, I need to try them in DH mode to see if the staging expands like crazy like the K701. The mids are stunning, they are not overly forward and intimate like I usually like but they have such a realistic voicing to them.

Vocals sound so pure and clean it's really something vocal fans need to hear. Instruments sound crisp and realistic too. They don't have the bass I usually want but it's extended enough to not get put off. To be honest the mids are so good, I just don't care I've got other bassey headphones to fill that role but I still find them snappy enough for pretty much anything personally.

Compared to the HD650 they are not as romantic and dreamy sounding but they are more pure and musical. They make a great pair actually! The vocals sound more intimate and mellow with the Senns but the K501's sound like real life. I like the HD650's better overall slightly but I think the K 501 have special mids that give the closest life performance feeling yet.

I'm keeping these for sure, they are a classic and it's nice to own something so rare that sounds amazing.

Interesting, thanks for the impressions.

Do they still have the upper mid range glare like pretty much all of the current K7xx range?
Nope not at all. The treble is pretty polite too, even less so than the original Annie. They are worth checking out if you get the chance. Did some gaming with these today too, nice staging but not quite K701! Close though.
Hi Ryan, Glad to see this thread is still up and running, its an amazing resource for people buying headphones. I think it also has opened peoples eyes (ears haha) to how good stereo headphones are for gaming.

Anyway I have a question, I have a nodded pair of JVC HARX900's which I really enjoy when listening to music but, when gaming, they are very heavy, hot and fatiguing. What I am looking for is a light, comfortable headphone for gaming that will have better positional audio than the RX900s. The Kingston HyperX headphones look very interesting and I liked your review of them.

If my budget is £70 and under is there any other headphone that you would recommend or is the hyperx the best available? Thanks!!
pretty much the hyper X if you intend on doing a bit of gaming. Ryan said it probably edges the Creative Aurvana Lives
Thanks Twst. Ryan seems a bit down on the positional audio of the Hyperx though, so was hoping he could clarify. Of course, it would be the week that I have a question that Ryan decides to take a break from the forum :p

Really sorry been so busy with work with all the new game releases. The HXC is better built, better accessories than the CAL. With the velour pads the HXC is bright, thin and piercing making them ideal for positional audio. With the pleather pads they are thick, bassy and more musical with a polite sound.

I prefer them to the CAL personally but not by much. Great headphones for the price with different sound options and accessories. Give them a go, I still a go it's hard to be disappointed with them.

The only headphone for pure musical enjoyer that is better in the price range is the Aviators by Skull Candy but they don't have the build of the HXC.
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Being closed back they are never going to have ultra accurate positional audio, too many reflections going on inside and too much bass.

Also, don't forget that they are also being compared with headphones that cost four or five times as much.

When it comes to the crunch you are getting a hell of a lot for your £70 worth.
thanks guys, I decided to buy a pair anyway. I am really curious to see what they are like compared to my RX900s.

EDIT: I should add that they work out to be a bit cheaper than the CALS for me so it really was no brainer choice in the end. :)
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Hi guys, I'm looking into getting a new pair of headphones predominantly for listening to music at home, and possibly also for a bit of gaming. I listen to mostly rock, r&b, and electronic music, with a bit of hip-hop and classical music thrown in occasionally too. I'm guessing the HD650 is still the best all-round choice for something under £300?
I'd actually say the HD600 will suit you better. It's faster, slightly more airy than the 650. I prefer the HD650 personally but the 600 better at more genres IMO.
Just to throw another opinion out there, I would actually say the HD 650 would be better if you mostly listen to electronic and rnb and you want a little bit more bass punch than what the HD 600 offers.

Some other options to consider are the Fidelio X2 (the almighty Tyll seems to think they are better than the HD 600) and MrSpeakers Mad Dogs (I think you'll have to import from the US as the UK dealer no longer has them...).
Tempted to ask for the Vali & Modi stack for xmas. I've noticed that unlike some amps, the Vali doesn't have a gain switch. Is that something to worry about? Or is that only something that's needed with really sensitive headphones?
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