no. if you want big drops in mp on big games yeah gert ryzen.bf1 this can happen in big games. pubg upto 30 fps differenc
for gaming no. pubg shows upto 30 fps difference even on i5s.fortnite can also basically a huge chunk of games most of us play.on a modern monitor the drops can be horrid on certain games.
pubg showing differences.
Oh come on Dg stop being such a shill, on the 1600 vs the 8700K its 96 vs 123 FPS at 1080P on "very low settings" with a 1080TI, yes i understand and agree with the reasoning behind that BUT who plays on very low settings with a 1080TI?
I did upgrade from Intel to Ryzen, Dg, and this video illustrates one reason why, on my higher mid level GPU the 4690K just couldn't handle it anymore, this is 4K, look at the CPU usage, its often at 100% and the frame rates, can you see that micro stuttering? its horrendous.