Cancelled my order as I found it available on another site. I am in Ireland and it was available to pick up on Monday.
Hopefully my cancellation gets someone closer to their brand new CPU. Was a pleasure gents.
Did you have to pay a premium?
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Cancelled my order as I found it available on another site. I am in Ireland and it was available to pick up on Monday.
Hopefully my cancellation gets someone closer to their brand new CPU. Was a pleasure gents.
So I see everyone is blaming flights for not getting stock in time.
Seeing competitors daily update section they expected 40 5800x by 9th of Nov, and they were still expecting those 40 yesterday. No info on 5900x and 5950x. 5600x saw 30 received an shipped last week.
Chickenegg in USA is sold out as well, same with amazing dot under com, with one scalping etailer asking some stupid money for the 5950x.
So if anyone tells me this was not a paper launch, I swear to Lisa Su and everything that is holy, I will ask Chuck Norris to roundkick that person
Absolutely, this isn't a paper launch, hundreds of thousands have shipped globally. We're seeing logistics issues, which given pandemic and ongoing disruption is hardly surprising. Backlogs are likely to clear in a few weeks.I wish people would stop throwing around this paper launch wording for any delay. Most of the retailers are stating the same logistics issues with the suppliers, which if true, would see a massive increase in stock from late next week.
Waiting 2 months and still not receiving your item (see Nvidia), is a paper launch. Waiting 2 weeks because of legitimate delays, not so much.
I wish people would stop throwing around this paper launch wording for any delay. Most of the retailers are stating the same logistics issues with the suppliers, which if true, would see a massive increase in stock from late next week.
Waiting 2 months and still not receiving your item (see Nvidia), is a paper launch. Waiting 2 weeks because of legitimate delays, not so much.
Absolutely, this isn't a paper launch, hundreds of thousands have shipped globally. We're seeing logistics issues, which given pandemic and ongoing disruption is hardly surprising. Backlogs are likely to clear in a few weeks.
Bloody typical, after emailing the competitor company yesterday to cancel my 5950x bundle & not hearing anything I've just had a notification that its being delivered today along with the 3950X I ordered from a 3rd supplier.
Thought I read somewhere 500,000 had shipped globally.I think you added one extra 0 to that imaginary number.
So you are saying with all that availability, UK was the only country where planes could not cross the channel to get us decent numbers of products?
Thought I read somewhere 500,000 had shipped globally.
LOL we either have nothing available or we have too much, welcome to my world I ended up with 2x RTX 3090s... and so did other users ending up with more than they wanted. Just send back what you don't want or stick it on the members market to see if anyone wants it first at what you paid for it, give them a chance if its an item hard to get.
OK, look at this this way:
Delays have been mentioned for the re-stock only. No one said anything for the initial launch day. Where did initial launch day stock come from? Why does launch day even need to rely on restock? The numbers quoted for the launch are ridiculously within paper launch description. So the plane bringing 1000 stock for UK for launch day made it here, but every other one has been shot down.
AMD knows they have winning product, they know that demand will be insane, why even release it like that especially when you have a risk of logistics issues for restocking.
P.S. if you hear a knock on a door, I believe it will be Chuck Norris![]()
Yeah I'll have quite a bit to list once I've finished the new build as I have a multitude of spare parts too get rid of.
It will be a paper launch for quite some time when looking at the low restocking figures. Around 150 CPUs a week when averaged out.So I see everyone is blaming flights for not getting stock in time.
Seeing competitors daily update section they expected 40 5800x by 9th of Nov, and they were still expecting those 40 yesterday. No info on 5900x and 5950x. 5600x saw 30 received an shipped last week.
Chickenegg in USA is sold out as well, same with amazing dot under com, with one scalping etailer asking some stupid money for the 5950x.
So if anyone tells me this was not a paper launch, I swear to Lisa Su and everything that is holy, I will ask Chuck Norris to roundkick that person
I’m definitely not saying it was a good launch, but to be fair, this stock was supposed to land a day or two after launch, which would have helped a hell of lot. EVGA cards are facing the same issue with logistics delays.
There was 100% never going to be enough stock regardless. Increased demand because it’s new and more people are staying home, then you have to factor in that TSMC are producing for Apple, PS5, Xbox, Zen3 and RDNA2, which all launched recently - I’m amazed there was any stock.
I dont buy into this logistics issue, After launch these CPU's would have already been in dispatch to world destinations long before the 5th, unless the wright brothers are flying them here 1 by 1 there is no excuse for the delays.
Another paper launch with little stock. and nothing in pipeline to replenish stocks is an abysmal situation for all on pre order.
I expect the 6800 series to be the same, low stock and scalping heaven for etailers.
EVGA cards are not even worth the hassle this time they cheeped out on a lot of components on this generations cards, this is coming from a guy that always goes for EVGA stuff first, they have been a let down on many levels.
I have to laugh at all the sheeple saying this is not a paper launch. AMD shills much?
It's a paper launch because maybe a handful were delivered to the UK and people can't purchase them. I ordered one from a competitor at 14:12pm and was told delivery for this Monday. I then find out I am actually 958 in a queue because it took all ******* day for Paypal to approve the payment. With all total disrespect to everyone who claims this is not a paper launch, go **** yourselves you koolaid drinking idiots.
AMD had only 15 5950x’s available at the purple shirt place in the high street for all of UK.
Exactly. but but supply issues and PPE or some such. None of that matters because the only thing relevant is we cant purchase a 5000 CPU for immediate delivery. Ergo paper launch.