The running theme here Matt is anything other than pro AMD is attacked. If anything is posted regarding the 7950x 3d for example Frame Chasers videos, which are very relevant to the topic in this thread, people start crying and throwing their arms around. The 13900k is also very relevant because it is the direct competitor, but once again people with AMD bed clothes and matching curtains refuse to see the facts. The main issue is the way it handles the parking of cores:
Reddit - Dive into anything
Yet this is brushed under the carpet.
You can’t have a discussion with someone that has worked for AMD for example and expect an unbiased opinion.
I don’t get this team thing and sides. They are company’s that we are handing our money over to, and I expect a certain level of quality. If something stinks, I don’t care whose arse it came from, it just plain stinks.
In all honesty I’m shocked at the sheer level of brand favouring going on in here. But it’s clearly been happening for years and years, I’m just only finding out about it now.
The spoon burner literally said its a dummy CCD, you're not injecting the same looney powder in to your vains so why hold him up as the oracle?
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