Right. Next bit of modification / design.
I've put some pretty decent hifi in the S2000 but I was having to have the front speakers crazy loud in order to hear them over the road noise. I really wanted some rears to give me a bit of back-fill. Later S2000s come with 2, tiny little spekers int he roll hoops that cound crap. No good. I wanted some nice, Focal 5.25" drivers if possible.
Now, I'd seen some people mount speakers in the roll hoops before. There's even someone selling a really poorly designed set on Etsy for like £200. Yeah, no. I'll design my own thanks, with blackjack and hookers.
Any solution cannot involve cutting or modifying any of the panels by the way. A red line for this.
A quick scan of the roll hoops with Revopoint Miraco.
Over to Autodesk Fusion (via Instant Meshes to get a quad-mesh) and we have a solid to work from.
I designed a simple speaker enclosure and then did a boolean cut of the roll hoop against it. Then split it down the middle. This gave a perfect negative of the roll hoop and could be clamped together without drilling anything in the S2000.
After a few iterations, I had something I was happy with so did a quick print and test fit in PLA.
A couple more iterations and then a print in carbon-fibre nylon.
Fitted to the car
Yes, the wire is there because I haven't decided where to route it yet without cutting anything.
I added some silly panels to cover up the bolt holes. These clip in place.
And I can report that it sounds fantastic. I had to mess with the speakers delays and balance a lot but I can now say that the hifi sounds amazing.