** Samsung 830 seres SSD, CRAZY PRICE ** READ POST 342

Thats why i use the other big company as they dont take money until item is dispatched and when they say they have stock they really do have stock.

Ahh yes mate, that would be the same company! I forgot the added bonus of they only take the money on dispatch.
Now that just sounds annoying. Anyway, it's better than being suddenly getting an invoice for something you ordered ages ago and finding you don't have the money
Pah, overdrafts are for weaklings (unless you are in financial difficulty, but yes for when you want to spend extra on a revodrive)

Why annoying? Companies don't want to send goods only to be told thy're not getting money for them ;)

Get the revodrive then. IMO, they're one of the most retarded things to exist on this planet :)

mine was fully taken from my account and showing on my statement days ago

i canceled my order anyway its taking far to long and even with a 8gb usb stick thrown in the special price lost its shine for me.

doesnt look like ocuk have taken delivery of the drives yet so they wont until weds if your lucky you might get your drives on thursday.

i wish andrew would just have came out and said they didnt have stock instead of misleading us with comments saying the bulk of the order was here when its now clear it wasnt.

i would have switched my order to the agility 3 on offer instead if i would have known it would take so long.

while its not OCUK's fault the drives didnt arrive they could have kept us updated better than they have instead of keeping everyone hanging on

To be fair, I believe OcUK were hanging on themselves, or it at least seemed like it :)

when did you order? i ordered around 1hour and 20mins after the offer went live

1)anyway i would have thought i would have been part of the bulk order...

read that post

then read this one

contradicts what the first post said?

5UB seems to tell it how it is

also lets not forget at the start of the thread when someone asks about stock were told

i'd have to say someone wasnt quite honest with us

I'm not saying you're definitely wrong, because I only know as much as you do, however, maybe you're presuming the worst. here's my take on it:

NOTE: All numbers made up and are purely for arguments' sake :)

1) OcUK take 1000 preorders, expecting 1500 drives at the door, but they haven't counted due to enormous numbers. OcUK staff believe that enough drives have arrived.

2) OcUK realise that loads of drives are missing and Andrew bricks himself and prepares for the mob rampage from the forums. He takes his rage out on a creme egg :mad: and contacts supplier who shortchanged/drived him hoping he wouldn't notice until the next working day. This is where it is agreed drives should arrive Friday and will be shipped for Saturday.

3) 5UB breaks the bad news because drives have not yet arrived due to supplier ****ing up and gives everyone a USB stick (I feel a 7970 lightning would have been a more appropriate means of compensation :p)

4) See "1)" again, this is the point where they have loads waiting yet to be booked into stock and they don't actually have an actual number for how many drives they physically have, but they think they've got enough because that's what the supplier told them.

The best analogy I can give you for the predicament is if you take a 1000 pack of marshmallows. You then tell a friend to take a random number out of it, then you scatter the remaining marshmallows and ask another friend to give you a rough estimate of how many there are, telling him it started off at 1000. Basically, this analogy boils down to people working around presumptions - basic human nature.

Like the Bible, there are many, many interpretations of the posts you quoted, some more retarded than others, but I'm just trying to add some more balance to this thread :)
i would have switched my order to the agility 3 on offer instead if i would have known it would take so long.
Be glad you didn't.

I had 2/3 Agility 3 drives faulty before I gave up on them. 2/2 Vertex drives have gone the same way. I'll never waste time and money on OCZ again. What good is speed if you can't trust the drive.

Samsung is fast and more reliable. Worth waiting for, even if the wait wasn't what you expected.
Cleeecoo you don't need to come in here defending Ocuk everytime customers are unhappy with their service :rolleyes:

The people who had money taken for an item not shipped or even in stock! are entitled to be annoyed.
We have been let down ourselves, obviously this is not something we would do on purpose. There is no point us leading our customers on, it was just unfortunate that things never went as we expected, to be let down once, fair enough, but twice, then that is frustrating for us and for you also.

As for payment, when placing an order with us the money is always taken as soon as you confirm payment when placing the order. Pre-Ordering the item means you have ordered before arrival of stock and stock will be allocated in a queuing system.

Like I say, things never went how we expected and we have apologised for this.

We upgraded everyone to a Saturday delivery for the inconvenience, which was a free upgrade, however we were let down so we have now added the OcUK 8GB Flash Drive.

We will be obviously having words with our suppliers as they have potentially led us on, or there has been some crosswires of communication, however this is something we will have to look into to prevent this from happening again in the future.

Shame to see some negativity on this forum from some users, yes in this instant there is something to be frustrated about and we are frustrated too. However there are some users that seem to be negative across the boards for no apparent reason.

We have kept you updated on these drives as often as we possibly could, which to me is customer service, we have told you everything we possibly could regarding the situation, we could have not posted at all, there are some companies out there not to mention any names who will just leave you in the dark, but you need to remember we try and give the best service when ever possible (I am posting on a Sunday evening :p).

Life is not that bad, waiting a little longer for an amazing drive at an amazing price will be worth it, and you get some goodies too with it. :)
Cleeecoo you don't need to come in here defending Ocuk everytime customers are unhappy with their service :rolleyes:

The people who had money taken for an item not shipped or even in stock! are entitled to be annoyed.

lol :rolleyes:

I'm defending OcUK because I think they aren't necessarily in the wrong here. Mistakes happen to every company. I've dealt with many companies for many many different reasons and IMO, what really matters is how companies deal with their mess ups. Bar giving everyone free high end computer hardware, I really don't see how OcUK could do any more for the customers here. They've let us down, yes, but they too have been let down.

re competitors taking money after dispatch, that company may take your money at the last hurdle but you're damn lucky to get it back when there are problems, eg, DPD losing something :rolleyes:. If that happened with OcUK, I'd be safe in the knowledge that someone (probably 5UB) would be tracking it down instead of attempting to blame the lost package on me.
I don't see what the fuss is about, you all running your computers fine with your trusty hard-drive's aren't you? ;)

You will probally get them next week anyway, be thankful you didn't buy one last month like me when you think your getting a great deal with samsung cashback... £201! :p
I'm not sure I want to cancel it, found it less elsewhere but also... no stock!

because every samsung SSD in the uk comes from one place. if we dont have stock then neither does anyone else.

retailers with stock, will have old stock that they are still selling.

just a bit of info for you.

I have tried to get an update for you guys but there is nobody at work at our distributors.

If I find out anything I will update the thread as AM is away on business.
I think some people on here need a bit perspective.

Yes, the drives were not delivered as promised. Was it OCUK's fault? Ultimately, no. I think they've been fair with the free delivery upgrade, memory sticks etc. Comms have been prompt. It's a good product at a excellent price, and OCUK have been messed around by their supplier.

If you feel badly let down, remember that worse things happen at sea! Hopefully you'll get over your disappointment. :D
If I find out anything I will update the thread as AM is away on business.

Raping Samsung executives? haha :D

Don't get why some are quite so apprehensive... yeah it's frustrating, we all like our new shiny shiny to arrive yesterday... but it's not like it's purposeful neglect on OcUK's part :s
Was really beginning to cave in towards this deal... very tempted to buy, but now just seen it for £140 elsewhere!!! Also given that one or two other stores have been doing similar deals, are Samsung just trying to get rid of stock or something?
Was really beginning to cave in towards this deal... very tempted to buy, but now just seen it for £140 elsewhere!!! Also given that one or two other stores have been doing similar deals, are Samsung just trying to get rid of stock or something?

I have posted in the customer service section which I hope is the right place to cancel my order? For the above reasons pretty much.
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how do these compare to the M4s?

i noticed that the read speed is faster on the M4 but the Read IOPS (whatever it is) is higher on the Samsung.
Shouldn't really notice any difference in real world use... practically on-par performance wise.

Whenever Samsung get their **** in gear, I'll report back.

Still undecided whether I'll be switchin O/S drives or not... might do just for the extra space.
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