** Samsung 830 seres SSD, CRAZY PRICE ** READ POST 342

Plug the drive in... install Windows 7

... done :)

Every install I've done on multiple different SSDs lately - it's always auto enabled it for me.

There's a command line command you can use to check - fraid I don't rememeber it off-hand - quick google should find it for you.

Should be enabled in Win 7.

To Enable TRIM:

1.Open the Start Menu, type CMD
2.Right click the icon and Run as Administrator
3.Type fsutil behavior set disabledeletenotify 0

That's the one... the check command is this, I think:

fsutil behavior query disabledeletenotify

Thanks guys :)
We need more posts in the customer services section guys, 5UB's fingers haven't quite fully dropped off yet from replying :p


And there are more pages! AHHHHHHHHHHH
Andrew Moore. Who's not been seen for a while.
On a completly unrelated note I'm fully expecting 5UB to start a new "Cooking unnamed meat on BBQ" thread in La Cuisine. Mmmmm. anyone want any Moore Soylent Green?
Great news, glad i kept last weeks order :)

Shame my build will have to wait, pulled my back out so I'm pretty much bed bound...bad timing with it being a gw2 beta weekend too :(
Sorry havent got time to read through 11 pages but if the only difference in the desktop and notebook drives is the mounting kit, why is there a large price difference between the two?

And how does this compare to the Crucial RealSSD M4 256GB?
I haven't ordered one but may i say what a amazing price and amazing Customer support gone on in this thread. If i needed one i would snap one up. Just got my new SSD though
Andrew Moore. Who's not been seen for a while.
On a completly unrelated note I'm fully expecting 5UB to start a new "Cooking unnamed meat on BBQ" thread in La Cuisine. Mmmmm. anyone want any Moore Soylent Green?

On another completely unrelated note, what does your sig mean?

I googled it and all it comes up with is you :o
On another completely unrelated note, what does your sig mean?

I googled it and all it comes up with is you :o


Lord Of The Rings
HitchHikers Guide To The Galaxy
?? Battle Royale ??
BattleStar Galactica

I would assume...

edit - DAMN IT
Sorry havent got time to read through 11 pages but if the only difference in the desktop and notebook drives is the mounting kit, why is there a large price difference between the two?

And how does this compare to the Crucial RealSSD M4 256GB?

just happened to be the one on sale mate.

Its better than the M4. I visited Tom's Hardware about it, and their "Best SSDs for the money" always has a hierarchy at the end. Samsung 830 256s are at the top :P (ish)
I have no memory at all of putting that in my sig. I didn't even know it was there untill 5UB just pointed this out to me.
Not saying that I didn't write them, could have been an alcohol fuled haze, but it might have been Mrs_Seakitchen adding "something interesting" to my sig :-)
And yes, I am a big fan of sci-fi/fantasy. And a HUGE fan of Douglas Adams.
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