** Samsung 830 seres SSD, CRAZY PRICE ** READ POST 342

is it possible to remove my free pen drive so it will cover the delivery cost?

I cannot get the free sat delivery but Im willing to sacrifice the pendrive to make the RM special delivery free :)

Also, great move on the price cut :D
Ace, 5UB, thats exceptional customer service, you definitely have set yourself a charter you want to accomplish and for that, I'll put my hands up as will others I'm sure in thanking you.

May I ask, will this price-match be something that you're likely to do in future?


Just posting to say a big thanks to Ace and 5UB (and anyone else involved behind the scenes).
Anyway, back to the item in hand :P

Does Norton Ghost allow you to copy a system image from one drive to another? I currently have a Crucial M4 128gb and a 1tb HDD, and want to copy the M4 to the 830. Will my OS and everything still work, or is it a case of wiping the lot and starting again?
Hi guys.

As a result of the problems, the stock will be arriving today!

I have not been actively involved in this SSD issue until now.

What I am prepared to offer is to price match Amazon, just drop a note in the customer service forum and put FAO 5UB in the title, include your order number, and we will sort you a refund for the difference. We will also sweeten the deal by offering a free OcUK USB Flash Pen :)

I hope this is acceptable for you all, we really do value your custom and I can only apologise on behalf of the whole company.

you've done a great thing there in my eyes mate, this is more than acceptable for me.

thanks from the bottom of my heart.
Free shipping, free 8GB USB Flash Drive, discount on the SSD, plus direct contact with the CS Team and Purchasing Team. Not bad if you ask me. :)
Oh yeah, and free Haribo! How could I forget that! :D

Thanks for including NI people in the free shipping ! :D

It was a one off, we cannot really afford it, technically we have made a lost on your order, but as you have been waiting ages it is worth it to show that you are loyal to us. :)
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