** Samsung 830 seres SSD, CRAZY PRICE ** READ POST 342

Price has jumped a £5, not loads but cna be had cheaper elsewhere, literally logged on to buy it on here but shall hold off now. I'm in no rush if it hasn't dropped again by the end of today methinks I'll grab it elsewhere. Tis a shame! :(
the price match was only for those that had pre-ordered due to the problems getting the stock, the original price as it says in the op was 153 quid
The way the prices fluctuate so much on ocuk lately has started to put me off buying. You never know if it will be cheaper tomorrow or on offer or jump back up in price.
Nature of the market I suppose and I'm not complaining when they drop thats good for me, i get it cheaper, good for them, they get my business. But when they bump it up by a fiver it just makes me feel like I can read the mind of the decision maker..."mmm selling a lot of these ssd's ...would be nice to make more profit, if I bump it up a fiver I bet I won't scare very many off, they still get a good deal and so do we...cue Mr burns moment(evil laugh)"...or that could just be me overthinking it.
I don't mind a daily price change but they do seem to jump around a few times during the day which is a pain. I would have normally just ordered something because it was a good price, now I tend to wait and see if the price drops a bit more. It then usually gets bumped back up and I don't bother.
Yeah I have done the same on more than one occaision. Deals are nice and all but speaking as someone who bought a 128gb m4 about a month before prices got slashed....they also hurt sometimes! :(
The way the prices fluctuate so much on ocuk lately has started to put me off buying. You never know if it will be cheaper tomorrow or on offer or jump back up in price.

I agree changing prices twice in one day leaves customers more than a little bit peeved
I suppose that is what is called competition
its still at the old (Lower) price elsewhere if you look
Nature of the market I suppose and I'm not complaining when they drop thats good for me, i get it cheaper, good for them, they get my business. But when they bump it up by a fiver it just makes me feel like I can read the mind of the decision maker..."mmm selling a lot of these ssd's ...would be nice to make more profit, if I bump it up a fiver I bet I won't scare very many off, they still get a good deal and so do we...cue Mr burns moment(evil laugh)"...or that could just be me overthinking it.

See the 128GB 830 thread...

Small update everyone, stock that we have is selling quickly so the price will have to go up to £89.99inc I am afraid until i can secure some more. The 830series are VERY popular it would seem :D
I was looking at ordering a 128GB and a 256GB for my system but will now not bother after these latest money grabbing price rises. I can understand a company want's/needs to make money but changing prices more than once in a day and then giving the reason as "they are selling well" is just not on.
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