Not trying to do anything but reading this thread and others people are instrucing how to load windows and the general advice seems to be dissconnect other drives and dont assign a drive along with delete any partitions
I dont own this drive but am thinking of upgrading to a a much larger SSD and am somewhat puzzled as to why you cannot have a partition while loading windows etc
if you read back in the various samsung ssd threads this subject keeps popping up and I just wondered why??
if I buy a large SSD drive to be used as a boot drive I want to put a partition on it and I was under the impression that the way to do it was at the preparing the hard drive before installing windows then install to the drive of choice
I am considering this samsung drive but tweaktown's review is not great and has rather put me off this drive
The reason its advisable to disconnect all other drives is to make sure that windows installs to the SSD and doesn't put any of the boot/system files on other disks.
If you start with an unused/unpartitioned disk, then the default option is for windows to sort all the partitioning for you. The other advice you mention is probably to delete any old partitions so that windows is installing to an empty disk.