Samsung Galaxy Note: 5.3", 1200x800 SuperAMOLED, S-PEN stylus, 2500mAh attery... *phew*

I also need a screen protector.

For my previous phones I got them off a mate, he buys ones that you can apply with fairy liquid and water (same as applying car tints) and I'm almost an expert at installing them, you can't even tell they are on. I don't know what brand they are though. I text asking him to order me the same type for the Note but he said it isn't available yet.
Cheers Andy, how much do they cost? Mobilefun have the MFX protector for £8, anyone applied one of those?
Okay i am seriously tempted to buy this from the .de forest and just clicked through the process trying to remember which buttons to click as i cant read it. Do i leave it on default delivery will that still cover international or am i meant to add something to it? Also will it still come with the uk plug or will i need to order that seperately?

Reason i am leaning to this instead of waiting for my contract to end is i figure no other phone will come out with a screen this size they will all go smaller. So as its gonna be the only one with the juicy fat screen i may aswell get it now and enjoy it for longer.

If my calcs, and by that i mean xe are right. Its only £441 from .de?
Okay i am seriously tempted to buy this from the .de forest and just clicked through the process trying to remember which buttons to click as i cant read it. Do i leave it on default delivery will that still cover international or am i meant to add something to it? Also will it still come with the uk plug or will i need to order that seperately?

Reason i am leaning to this instead of waiting for my contract to end is i figure no other phone will come out with a screen this size they will all go smaller. So as its gonna be the only one with the juicy fat screen i may aswell get it now and enjoy it for longer.

If my calcs, and by that i mean xe are right. Its only £441 from .de?

I'm pretty sure that I didn't have to change the delivery options at all. For what it's worth I used my usual account from the UK site to log in on the German one. You can also use Chrome to automatically translate most of the site into decently readable English.

You get the option of letting them do the currency conversion, or leaving it to your bank. Either way it ended up being a bit worse than suggested it would be. For me it was was around £462 including shipping, but the price has dropped slightly since then.
I don't know how much it works out for if you buy it from .de but it's approx £450 direct from o2 (through quidco) and you can pay half up front and the rest monthly so helps spread the cost.

If you want an all in one device with a monster screen, this is it.
These are now 420 quid from a brick and mortar store where I live in Switzerland, very very tempted... will go and see one at the weekend I think!

I second this. In landscape mode I can comfortably browse websites without zooming in at all.

I tested out all my emulators today, it was awesome on the S2 screen, but this is just something else. I showed a mate of mine today who currently has the S2, he wants one.

can you please take some close-up photos of a couple of website displayed on the Note... for example BBC News and something like OCUK store? As many text intensive sites as possible would be great so that we can get a sense of how readable it is. :)
Richdog, you may have already seen this but watch from 2:50 onwards, it shows OCUK (and something else you'll like :p) -

I believe I called the possibly suspect battery life on the very first page :p

I know the screen is a lot smaller and the software is different, but the iPhone 4/S gets about 9-10 hours on the Anandtech web browsing tests (I see the 4S gets about 7~ on GSMArena though), that's a rather huge difference.

It's looking as if the Galaxy Nexus will get 5-6 hours, which is fairly good I suppose.

An updated one for the Galaxy S II is here -
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Cheers Robbo will check it out later. Also just seen this battery life test form GSMarena... seems the Note really does have terrible battery life when web browsing... most certainly a deal-breaker for me if its not fixable

It's the one negative I have with the phone. Battery life is great for everything else, but bright websites will drain it. Using different browsers and power saving options help a bit.

It should improve with ICS. In the meantime you need to ask yourself how often are you going to browse for 3+ hours without going near a charger (and don't have a spare battery), and is it worth trading in longer browsing time for a better browsing experience? The answer will be different for different people.
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I was really hammering the phone yesterday and it just about lasted the whole day and that was only my first or second charge. I let it charge overnight and took it off around 5-6am this morning, and with light use so far it's currently sitting on 83%. If I can use this all day and it lasts, I am happy.

A 64GB micro sd card is looking ever so tempting, it's just too much!!

Richdog, if you can, definitely go see the phone first and have a browse on the net with it. I find it just as easy and comfortable browsing on it, as I do when I would occasionally use my brother or sisters laptop. Oh and the GPS on this seems to be much better then on my S2, I pick up signal within 2-3 seconds.
The price has gone up from £250 to £280 now on the o2 website, they must have been getting a fair few orders on that tariff...
dont know if ive done it right, but i went through quidco with buy mobile phones and i got 30 pound cashback, so it says, first ever time using quick quid.

got the note for 59.99 on 02 for 35 month getting 300 mins ult texts and 1gb internet. seems alright to me. cant wait!
Seems like a good deal, 24 months yeah? Direct from o2 you can get £50 cashback but the handset price is £180 for that tariff (unlimited txt, 300 mins, 1gb net).

It's also the first time I've used quidco.
I'm borrowing one of these at the moment and its bloomin marvellous! Speed wise it leaves my Nexus 1 in the dust on so many levels. Surprisingly, for me, the phones netwirk speed is so much faster than the N1. A side by side Speedtest, both on T-Mobile, its Download and upload speeds are easily over twice as fast.
It loads and plays Video, Youtube,BBC etc almost instantly where the N1would take a few seconds to start playing and even then it would often stop and and buffer.

Very nice device indeed and the time you spend with it in hand the better it gets.
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