Samsung NC10


installed win 7 home on this and drivers off sammies site here.

was on hol till yest and only just noticed at the end of the hoi that task manager shows 2 cores. wtf! the nc10 is a single core right? no HT support?

my 311c shows 2 cores so i guess the n270 does have ht
Fair play to the lot of you loonies :)

My nc10 is still running xp & 1gb exactly as it came form the shop 14 months ago. It does everything I bought it to do so have no need to fiddle.
hey guys have managed to get a nc10 second hand at a decent price for my kids birthdays next week.

have read through most of this thread and picked up a couple of things like updating the wifi drives and disable auto brightness

but is their anything else i need to do or download and also i am not a big fan of having a lot of stuff from supplier on it ie software and monitoring programs so of the samsung programs that come with it which ones can i safely get rid of thanks

oh its running xp by the way
I've just bought one of these netbooks because after much searching it still seemed to come highly recommended. However, after reading through the latter part of this thread I am thinking I should have gone for the ION graphics in a different brand.

Can someone advise exactly what sorts of things the NC10 struggles with when it comes to HQ video please? :o
I've just bought one of these netbooks because after much searching it still seemed to come highly recommended. However, after reading through the latter part of this thread I am thinking I should have gone for the ION graphics in a different brand.

Can someone advise exactly what sorts of things the NC10 struggles with when it comes to HQ video please? :o

Do you mean HD? Its that the GMA950 simply not powerfull enough to play HD properly, some NC10's have a secondry pci-e slot if your lucky and if so you can install a broadcom HD decoder card to allow HD playback, if its just for avi/ divx files nc10 should be fine as it is :)
Do you mean HD? Its that the GMA950 simply not powerfull enough to play HD properly, some NC10's have a secondry pci-e slot if your lucky and if so you can install a broadcom HD decoder card to allow HD playback, if its just for avi/ divx files nc10 should be fine as it is :)

Thanks for the uber quick reply :) I'm only looking to use this for web browsing, word processing, skype etc (predominantly when I'm travelling around). It'd be nice to look at things like BBC iPlayer and youtube as well which I assume it will be fine for? When you say 'HD' do you mean full 1080p video files? Sorry if I sound stupid but I'm just not 'getting it' lol :o
Thanks for the uber quick reply :) I'm only looking to use this for web browsing, word processing, skype etc (predominantly when I'm travelling around). It'd be nice to look at things like BBC iPlayer and youtube as well which I assume it will be fine for? When you say 'HD' do you mean full 1080p video files? Sorry if I sound stupid but I'm just not 'getting it' lol :o


It will play Iplayer and youtube ok but not the hi def versions afaik, by HD i think its classed as 720p and 1080p, some 720 might play but i think 1080 is a nono, which is where the beauty of the ion comes in, as far as browsing, word processing etc it will be fine :)

It will play Iplayer and youtube ok but not the hi def versions afaik, by HD i think its classed as 720p and 1080p, some 720 might play but i think 1080 is a nono, which is where the beauty of the ion comes in, as far as browsing, word processing etc it will be fine :)

Hmmm ok - I did loads of research prior to buying the NC10 but now I'm thinking I should have gone for an ION netbook :confused:

We'll see how it goes....
anyone remember the code for the longer battery on the bay type site?

going to cuba this month and need a longer battery for the flight

ta all
I've never had a laptop before I had the NC10. Is it normal for the battery life to decrease with time? I've had mine for about 16 months now and the battery would last no more than 3 hours with the brightness at 4/8 and wifi on. I swear it could do much more than that last year. :(
Batteries deteriorate over time of course, but how you treat them is the biggest factor in how fast that happens. Mine is coming up for 2 years old now, and still has 97% of it's original capacity.

Install BatteryBar to see exactly what state the battery is in, but it does sound like you've killed it somehow.
Thanks, I'll try BatteryBar sometime this week when I get back home. What could have caused such a drastic reduction in the battery life?
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