Samsung Odyssey 49" OLED G9 G95SC

Yeah I am now 0/3 on hdmi cables for 240hz vrr, the giotek one recommended here had a few dropouts, and two local official hdmi 2.1 ones which were thicker and shorter one was ok for a bit. One was really bad even tho was still "certified" with the holographic sticker and all.

I now moved my comp on the desk and am using the included micro to hdmi super short cable. So far so good but too soon to say. If it lasts a week+ I will be happy but again if i drop to 120hz i can even use a dingy old 2.0 cable and it works no issues for 2+ weeks. My brain....

Also included displayport which I tried first had some artifacting in hdr in some games...

I'm able to run my windows desktop at 240Hz but if I've gamed at those frequencies it wasn't in 4K. Do you have a card capable of that?

4K @ 190Hz is a little over 50 Gbps, so you'd need a cable that was rated for higher than that. My fiber display port cable is rated for 32 Gbps so even that wouldn't be able to supply the required data rate.
Has anyone found any non-RTS games that don't stretch out the screen at the edges? I've got a card that can handle processing the extra resolution so feel cheated when all the games I've tested seem to quadruple the width of objects at the edge with no setting to adjust.

So out of all the gamers using a G9 super ultrawide monitor, there isn't a single one that has found a non-RTS game capable of displaying at 51120x1440 without stretching out the objects on the edge of the screen!

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I'm able to run my windows desktop at 240Hz but if I've gamed at those frequencies it wasn't in 4K. Do you have a card capable of that?

4K @ 190Hz is a little over 50 Gbps, so you'd need a cable that was rated for higher than that. My fiber display port cable is rated for 32 Gbps so even that wouldn't be able to supply the required data rate.
Yeah I do have a dp 1.4/hdmi 2.1 capable card but it uses dsc either way. I ended up settling with the included micro to full size hdmi and I've been running in 5120x1440 240hz 12 bit for over a month.

No dropouts at all in sdr or regular hdr however in hdr10+ supported games I still get some dropouts like once a fortnight a usually when leaving or entering game pause menus. I guess I could just settle with turning hdr10+ off but some games don't give that option afaik (bo6 cough cough)

Edit: I should note I turned on prefer maximum performance in nvcp to mitigate the downclocking causing the black screening and that has helped the most. I know turning on vrr control will probably fix it fully with no oled flicker and no more hdr10+ dropouts but i tried it and the extra input lag was not it for me. So all in all, I've just settled, still a great monitor but with its annoying quirks/defects depending on how you look at it.
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