You do still need glasses, but the 3D is hardware based, not software/driver based like the Nvidia. This means the 3D works perfectly with every game and app possible.
Damn, these really sound awesome! Out of interest, what's the difference between the A750 and the A950? The fancier stand can't be worth £70 alone, can it?
Damn, these really sound awesome! Out of interest, what's the difference between the A750 and the A950? The fancier stand can't be worth £70 alone, can it?
I believe the difference is that the A950 has Smart Hub built in but the A750 doesn't - I will try and find out for sure though as I could be wrong!
Stick 3 of them together you say? You'd better keep your eyes on this thread or the Flickr photostream for the rest of the day then
The 750 only has DisplayPort and HDMI (no DVI) so to run 120Hz u need to run it through the DisplayPort (as HDMI only support 60Hz at 1080p). This can be a problem if u have an nvidia card without a DP port (many GTX570s and 580s dont) as the adapters are rare and expensive.
Poke the Samsung guys about a release date for the a750d monitors.
They are on our website for pre-order and they are due very soon, maybe today/tomorrow.
If anyone has any more questions Samsung related I can try my best to ask the reps for you to grab the answers.
Is that Nath in the second shot?
Spot the burger?
what kind of performance hit do you get with these monitors when you turn 3d on? must be a fair amount with 3 of those monitors!