I think the biggest question is that once the problem with the motherboards is fixed, how will old motherboards with the defect be identified to the new boards without?
I'm planning on buying such a system but I wont unless I'm guarranteed i buy a not defective chipset.
I mean pulling the motherboard out of my case and being without a PC for a week is not what I call "no problem"...
I too am surprised OCuk would rather wait it out and keep selling defective boards than stop all shipment of 6 series chipset boards.
I'm planning on buying such a system but I wont unless I'm guarranteed i buy a not defective chipset.
I mean pulling the motherboard out of my case and being without a PC for a week is not what I call "no problem"...
I too am surprised OCuk would rather wait it out and keep selling defective boards than stop all shipment of 6 series chipset boards.