Posted this up over at another forum;
So... I think one of my SATA II ports has failed. Not sure if it's related to this chipset issue or not, but my system started crashing during boot ("Windows is starting" followed by a black screen). I tried all sorts, then gave up and did a Windows reinstall. It took over an hour for just the OS. That's on an SSD, so a good 40-45 minutes longer than it normally takes. I rebooted. This time I got a BSOD, though it wasn't around long enough for me to read the details before the system restarted. Tried another twice, same result. I opened her up and switched over to one of the SATA III ports, powered on and... all is well!
As I said, I'm not certain that this is to do with the chipset issue, but the timing is odd. Once I've got all my programs reinstalled back on to Windows I'll do a bit more testing and see if that indeed is the problem. Right now I find myself wondering if Intel have lied to play down the problem, hoping they can switch out boards before issues arise.