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right i have something that dont add up. so if some one could help would be grate..
i got a p67 3.4 2600k cpu runing at 4.8ghz and asus delux p867 mobo.. i just ran a windows performance test and every thing come back at 7.8!! but the hard drivers come back at 5.8???? i have two SSD`s how is that possible? befor i got this board and chip i got 7.8 score for every thing including the ssd`s. is there any way i can find out what the problem is or is this down to the fault please anyone ???
right i have something that dont add up. so if some one could help would be grate..
i got a p67 3.4 2600k cpu runing at 4.8ghz and asus delux p867 mobo.. i just ran a windows performance test and every thing come back at 7.8!! but the hard drivers come back at 5.8???? i have two SSD`s how is that possible? befor i got this board and chip i got 7.8 score for every thing including the ssd`s. is there any way i can find out what the problem is or is this down to the fault please anyone ???

SSD's slow down as you fill them with more data and Windows Index is very random. Use proper hard drive benching tool but this will be due to your installing more programmes/games/photos on the SSD's.
Are they in Raid array?

also in your old rig did you move the page file of the SSD to elsewhere and turn of indexing etc. Superfetch and all that

These can affect windows scores

Also the windows scores ain't worth much, I have some WD Cav blues in raid 0 and they get 5.9 yet they are way faster than my previous single Samsung F3 that also got 5.9
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hmm i just have windows on one and cod on other i have a 1tb had drive i down load on? i did fresh install a week ago when i brought all the new bits
Interesting thread/s. I do not own Sandy Bridge so speak from a neutral standpoint on the matter. I think what I am about to type may offend you Gibbo but there is no easy way of saying it and I would tell this to your face if I met you in real life. So no hard feelings just this is my opinion on it. :)
The decision from OCUK to keep selling the boards is unfortunately a typical and predictable one, and has a stench of "maximum turnover until we are MADE to stop selling". Other competitors care more for their customers than money grabbing at every opportunity. This looks particularly bad based on others pulling them from sale and OCUK continuing to sell them. You can dress it up all you want with the "we are providing for customers that still want to buy SB" and the "I would because I use my system like XXX" but this is unprofessional.

There have been so many let downs in the past from OCUK with big promo offers where the web servers could not handle the load, promises that were broken, questionable customer service and RMA procedures (althought this has improved). You really had an opportunity here to respond in a professional and caring attitude to your customers by doing the right thing and removing from sale until further developments, but I'm left feeling that you are once again defending your main interest which is to keep selling at what ever cost, and are happy to play down the situation and even get caught up in unecessary forum posts discussing how much of an issue it is for us, the people who buy your stuff. You cannot dictate the uses of every person here. Most people spend a lot of cash on cutting edge tech, and a lot of people post here who do max out all sata ports on their motherboards - this is overclockers after all.

Whilst I would agree this issue has been sprinkled with a fair dose of "lets over react on the internetz!!1", playing it down and continuing to sell the boards which will inevitably cause more unhappiness with customers which could have been prevented, is wrong. You also cannot keep knocking down the potential for data integrity issues. There is plenty of potential for a variety of issues to arise from this and anyone who values their data has a right to be worried regardless of their backup and storage routines.

Sorry, but that's the feeling I have and I think many others will Gibbo, and remember, I do not even own SB.

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You will probably be fine, if you have really sensitive data and don't want to take any risk just buy a SATA card or just unplug that drive.

These boards have circa 8 SATA ports, only 4 are effected so plug your devices into the 4 un-affected ports.
If you have more than 4 devices then plug your hard drives into the 4 un-affected ports and plug your optical drives into the affected ports. If you still need more ports then take the risk which is extremely minimal, buy a SATA card or wait for further updates on a fix/rma solution.

To keep unplugging the drives is going to be a problem really as i use all ports and my case design means i have to take the board out each time to keep unplugging cables. Im not going to spend more money on a sata card as its intels fault they released boards that might develope a fault.
To keep unplugging the drives is going to be a problem really as i use all ports and my case design means i have to take the board out each time to keep unplugging cables. Im not going to spend more money on a sata card as its intels fault they released boards that might develope a fault.

Which Asus board do you own as some of the Asus boards have more than 8 SATA ports, how many hard drives are actually in your system?
To keep unplugging the drives is going to be a problem really as i use all ports and my case design means i have to take the board out each time to keep unplugging cables. Im not going to spend more money on a sata card as its intels fault they released boards that might develope a fault.

Yes MIGHT just like your computer MIGHT catch fire for no reason or it MIGHT just fail anyways and take the data with it. I think people are getting way over excited about this. If intel had to run the computer that failed in a heated room at stupid voltages to get it to fail the average users wont have a problem before it gets fixed.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the forums,

I Tovo issue this statement on behalf of myself. Due to the possibility that this issue may be the build up to the apocalypse, I have decided to continue living my life as normal and to just keep my eye on the forums before breaking into mass hysteria.


Hi there

Latest update is that motherboard manufacturers will be offering some kinds of RMA swap/replacement service which they shall post details off in the coming days or after Chinese New Year and they will it operate it at no cost to customer/end-user.

All in all it seems they are devising a plan which will work well for all but it won't happen overnight, as I get more info I shall post.

Asus also have this to say:-

For motherboards, we’ve confirmed with Intel® that the Cougar Point design error does not affect SATA ports 0 and 1. Additionally, ASUS has been a pioneer in including extra SATA 3Gb/s and SATA 6Gb/s ports beyond Intel® specifications on a wide range of motherboards. These ports are not affected by this design error, offering customers seamless and uninterrupted computing. However, we’re also offering you the option of returning any possibly affected motherboard for a swap or sales return. All warranties for affected motherboards will be reset to give you enough time to carry out any exchanges.
I think the annoying thing with this is that it's not going to be an easy fix. Whatever happens it's going to involve a replacement motherboard, or doing without your motherboard for a period of time while Intel/ASUS/whoever resolder it or whatever. If it was just a faulty BIOS chip or something easily replaced by the end user it would be a lot less aggro.

Either way that means completely stripping down your PC and effectively starting from scratch, and annoying also it sounds as if the fix will take just enough time (e.g. March/April) that it makes it a tough decision for those who have just bought kit as to whether they should bother installing all the kit, and Windows, only to have to do it all again in 1-2 months time.

Obviously none of this is OCUKs fault, but still annoying either way.

I also don't buy into the whole "only mugs buy into new tech on Day 1"... this is huge - up there with the FDIV bug. There's a difference between paying a premium for Day 1 kit, "suffering" from early silicon errata and/or poor overclocking capability, and hardware that has a hardware defect that is certain to manifest after a period of time.
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