Sara Sharif

Just read that article on the BBC. Crazy how the police and social services were involved to that extent, and yet it still ended this way...

The list of things they did to this poor girl is just heartbreaking. I hope they suffer in prison.
Home schooling needs way more regulations. Not that the school should have been left accountable for looking after her; but the rise of home schooling is a real worry in general.
If it were up to me I would put all three people convicted plus the head of the relevant Social Services child protection department, plus whichever case workers were the ones that also couldn't be bothered to do their jobs, put them all in a big pit in the ground and tell them to fight it to the death with the sole survivor the one to be allowed to serve life in prison.
If it were up to me I would put all three people convicted plus the head of the relevant Social Services child protection department, plus whichever case workers were the ones that also couldn't be bothered to do their jobs, put them all in a big pit in the ground and tell them to fight it to the death with the sole survivor the one to be allowed to serve life in prison.
From what I understand, the school is the one that failed to notify the authorities she had been taken out of school.
This seems like the Rotherham rape gang stuff all over - people in social services and the police being so concerned about woke stuff/not appearing racist that they fail to uphold the law, carry out basic interventions etc.
This seems like the Rotherham rape gang stuff all over - people in social services and the police being so concerned about woke stuff/not appearing racist that they fail to uphold the law, carry out basic interventions etc.

I think it's probably more to do with the fact that Woking Borough Council is running on a shoestring budget, they're practically are bankrupt after massive mismanagement. I can only imagine that translates to poorly staffed departments, those who are left are overworked and probably cynically apathetic towards their jobs given the constant cuts and redundancies around them.

Not that it's any excuse, far from it. Alas those at the top responsible for the mismanagement that ultimately led to this won't ever face justice as they're too far removed from the consequences.

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From what I understand, the school is the one that failed to notify the authorities she had been taken out of school.

There's a huge issue finding those "missing" children. It doesn't fall just on schools, but NHS and others.

There is also a very loud and active lobby of "those people" who want to keep their children hidden.

They furiously resist attempts to track their children, and see child protection as government meddling.
Well at least the guilt got to him and he admitted it in court.

As someone who has made a choice not to have children, it amazes me that in today's age two people can be absolute dirtbags but are fine just going ahead and starting a family, dooming a child to a very difficult, and sometimes dangerous, start in life.
Social services need to be held accountable for incidents like this.

From reading the BBC summary it makes no sense that this poor girl was left with any of those scumbags. Mum, dad, step mom. They were all monsters to her and social services knew this. As to allowing abused children to be home schooled? Thats just mind boggling. School is the only place where they are away from their abusers and have regular monitoring with people who care about their welfare.
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How often do we see it going back to a SS failure? We'll again see the same excuse blaming lack of funding when really it falls down to lack of competence or interest.

How do you know that any failures of a SS department within a bankrupt council is simply down to incompetence rather than a lack of funding?

I would have thought that funding was pretty important to enable the service to recruit sufficiently staff with the right qualifications to be able to manage the needs of the community under their watch.
If you're a social worker with 80 cases, you likely can't do you job as well as one who has 30. Similar to say tech support when you actually need 20 people but you've got 7 and they all get overloaded with case work, burn out and quit.
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