Sasha Johnson shot in the head?!?

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You are misrepresenting the phrase 'institutionally racist country' wrong. And most people dont claim white people (or at least the very large majority) are the evil bogeyman in the UK.

Its a bit like saying vegans want to destroy farming. On one hand they want to stop animal farming but on the other they want to keep non animal farming.

Forgive me if I am just agreeing with you.This is because this is the direction the story is being driven by mainly racial tension agitators.

I dont think that someone that doesnt support BLM is a racist, but there is a big chance those that are speaking out about it may have racist inclinations and tell their views in such a way that make being anti racist sound bad. HTF can being anti racist be bad? How can being anti facist be bad? Facists are bad right?

Her rhetoric is pretty nasty if I'm honest and definitely targets white people. I looked up videos of her at protests and at other events and it didn't really do any favours when it came to judgment of her character.

Maybe I'm too old now but I find all this stuff exhausting - why can't we just all get along. Meh.
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What more can be done? We have the strictest firearms laws in the world. What can the government do to prevent this?
Sorry Rob I missed this.

This is really about law and order. Forget it being a black issue. Think of it as just a criminal issue. We I assume want a decent law abiding country. It is irrelevant what colour the victim or the perpetrator is, gang and violence needs to stop. More money and resources need to be used to sort it out.

Be it better education at an early age or better laws and policing to catch and punish those people that are committing those crimes from importing to distrubtion to use. The issue at the moment is being able to investigate and punish those criminals.
But it isnt.

Sometimes it's hard to know if you actually don't know what you're on about of just being argumentative for the forum. Maybe both?

Race equality through revolution along Marxist lines is one of their key goals. They have had to dilute the rhetoric as to not appear like lunatics.

Admittedly their co-founder like any good political leader is lining her pockets and making hay whilst they are popular and attracting big woke money.
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As much as shootings are prevalent in the UK I still find this shocking, maybe not living in London, Nottingham, Birmingham or Manchester is why its not common for me, I'm still just getting used to people using a machete in a fight, quite possibly the worst weapon to use in a fight.

Worst? Perry dam good weapon I'd have though.. Assuming it's two unskilled people 1 on 1 and no ranged weapons..
Because it's the usual lefty trick of hiding real intentions behind nice sounding causes. The real cause is anti-West, anti-capitalism, and anti-white.

There's a few people on this forum like to repeat this rubbish.....

I'm an anti-capitalist director of a company earning money for myself?

I don't like China or Russia's human rights but am Anti-west?

And why would I be anti my own skin colour? :cry:

No...some of us just aren't racist, believe it or not.
Yup and it'll be legal soon enough, just like Canada, Urguay and some places in the states.

UK should have done this years ago. Genetically watermarked weed only available from approved shops. ID must be presented to purchase. Anyone found in possession of unapproved weed gets 12 months inside for the first offence. Anyone selling unapproved weed gets five years inside first offence. Employers can test staff weekly and are allowed to fire / not hire anyone who provides a positive test.

Job jobbed.
UK should have done this years ago. Genetically watermarked weed only available from approved shops. ID must be presented to purchase. Anyone found in possession of unapproved weed gets 12 months inside for the first offence. Anyone selling unapproved weed gets five years inside first offence. Employers can test staff weekly and are allowed to fire / not hire anyone who provides a positive test.

Job jobbed.
Why not just let people grow the stuff for personal use?

Or are we only bothered about corporate profits?
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