Saving Sessions / Demand reduction thread

I managed to send out 4.7kWh again and the battery just lasted. Also just got the option to opt in tomorrow as mentioned.

It's looking sunny tomorrow too so that'll make it a bit easier.
I managed to export 7.7 kWh, and have an exported baseline of 0.36kwh, so net export of 7.34, which equals £16.51

My batteries at 28% so we will draw from the grid before 2am.

Also opted in to tomorrows session.
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Wife decided to put the tumble dryer on for the last 20 minutes, lthough I hadn't given her the don't use any electric previously. so probably about 2kwh exported total.
I spied on another forum that @94JDH is making a nice tidy amount, but can't remember their setup.

As for myself I've stopped exporting every day after 16:30, so between 16:00 and 16:30 I discharge to the grid at around 8kW.

Then when there is a saving session I set my system to discharge at the same rate, and we also reduce usage, if I need to, I'll charge the batteries mid-afternoon, but haven't had to yet.
Just signed up for another two 9.5kWh batteries to take advantage of the new 0% VAT rule in February next year.
Just signed up for another two 9.5kWh batteries to take advantage of the new 0% VAT rule in February next year.
The problem is you reach a point where you can't charge the batteries at cheap rate, that does of course depend on your tariff. I'm on Flux and only get 3 hours cheap rate, my maximum inverter charge rate is 8kW, excluding losses that's 24 kWh in the three hours, it doesn't fill my battery on these winter days.

Down to 10% last night, after three hours charging I was at 81%, and have 6.1kWh of solar forecast today, that's a good day this time of year, but the battery won't be full come tonight, of course if you have more solar you will far better, but you still reach that point sometime.

There's a women (Grid Busters) on Youtube in France, not very clued up, building a system, and thinks she will have 200 kWh of storage, I think she's going to have quite a lot of solar panels, but this time of year she will really struggle to fill the batteries.
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The problem is you reach a point where you can't charge the batteries at cheap rate, that does of course depend on your tariff. I'm on Flux and only get 3 hours cheap rate, my maximum inverter charge rate is 8kW, excluding losses that's 24 kWh in the three hours, it doesn't fill my battery on these winter days.

Down to 10% last night, after three hours charging I was at 81%, and have 6.1kWh of solar forecast today, that's a good day this time of year, but the battery won't be full come tonight, of course if you have more solar you will far better, but you still reach that point sometime.

There's a women (Grid Busters) on Youtube in France, not very clued up, building a system, and thinks she will have 200 kWh of storage, I think she's going to have quite a lot of solar panels, but this time of year she will really struggle to fill the batteries.
Yes, there is a tipping point - I'm now up to just under 15kWp PV split equally across both inverters. Currently on IO which is 6 hours and will charge them, but who's to say if the tariff remains in the long term.
The very good possiblity of fitting a heat pump has swung it for me but I don't think I'd fit any more capacity after this - diminishing returns (unless I fit panels to the roof of the house once it's reroofed in the future).
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