Forecast is completely wrong today. It was supposed to be a sunny day but is totally overcast. Ill struggle to have enough for tonight so may have to charge a little this afternoon.
The colder weather hasn't helped. I only managed to get 9.6kWh in the batteries last night due to temperature compared to the 10.6kWh they'd normally take from the min SOC to maximum.
I've often thought about getting another battery to take it up to 14.7kWh but like ron-ski mentions above, I'd struggle to fill it in winter on a 5kW inverter when its colder. Not to mention ill have 9.42kW in panels soon so Ill be less reliant on it for at least two thirds of the year. Then there's the fact I'd be worrying about the ceiling caving in with over 150kg up in the loft!
The colder weather hasn't helped. I only managed to get 9.6kWh in the batteries last night due to temperature compared to the 10.6kWh they'd normally take from the min SOC to maximum.
I've often thought about getting another battery to take it up to 14.7kWh but like ron-ski mentions above, I'd struggle to fill it in winter on a 5kW inverter when its colder. Not to mention ill have 9.42kW in panels soon so Ill be less reliant on it for at least two thirds of the year. Then there's the fact I'd be worrying about the ceiling caving in with over 150kg up in the loft!