Saving Sessions / Demand reduction thread

Its an odd thing when your annoyed at generation, just goes to show how messed up the process is.

Hopefully with the incoming (unproven) Octopus Solar/battery tariff there is something in there that allows us to really contribute to the savings sessions in a green way.
Such as being paid a sensible amount to send energy to the grid whilst those sessions are running.

Eg cheap charging in the 10 hour window, go on grid during the day, dump batteries during the actual savings session, go back to battery/on grid for remainder of the day.
That needs to be more beneficial to me than gaming the system as we are doing now, to some extent.

IMO its got to come eventually, we are no different to grid storage, why should they get £1 a unit for supplying for peaks and charging when its cheap and homeowners not.

This is what the Tesla VPP is trying to do.

If you’ve got loads of excess you’re onto a winner.

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I agree. It needs a standard that all tech agrees to. Industry wide. Then all people with local storage / generation opt in.

I bet it’s quicker, cheaper and more beneficial than building power stations.
I agree. It needs a standard that all tech agrees to. Industry wide. Then all people with local storage / generation opt in.

I bet it’s quicker, cheaper and more beneficial than building power stations.
It also opens up several lifestyle benefits eg. I'd spend the grand on a car charger if doing V2G which means I'd actually use my EV for journeys other than short hops... I refuse to spend the grand at the minute as the car is used infrequently. Lots of spare battery capacity being wasted!!
I would hope not actually, in regards recycling old car batteries for home use.

The home storage batteries are a different chemistry and significantly less likely to have fire issues than the car variants.

Reusing them into grid scale storage makes more sense, break them down, test and reuse the decent cells, but then combine into new packs.
Although at grid scale its potentially easier to not break them down and just hook them up with a container full of the same car & battery tech, either the packs themselves, or a remainder of teh chassis for the ones that are basically built into the chassis.
Ie they become semi recycled whilst still of value and only fully recycled when properly "used up"

There is quite a lot of costs involved for a homeowner that can be avoided at grid level. The costs are still there, but as part of ongoing management would be local on site, where as for a homeowner it would be a catastrophic failure in effect.
For many homeowners the storage density is still an issue, having low density storage of a more volatile nature doesn't seem the most logical end usage. Plus as I say you would need to take a different disassembly approach from car to home as opposed to car to grid storage.
Saving session load-shift approaching.

Between 13:30 - 16:30 I will charge battery to full.
Need to clean the oven so I'll use a cycle on that via Pyrolytic cleaning. Meant to do that every few months but last time was about 6 months ago so it's needed.
I have a load of washing to go on.
Excess solar into Aircon heating soon, as the battery is starting to approach my 25% target for full charge 25% => 100% in 3 hours.
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got my batteries set to do a force charge at 13:30 and there's a load needing to go in the tumble dryer, also going to force the eddi to heat the hot water during the window as well. Might turn the oven on as well up to max. In two minds to turn the oven on for an hour just now to take some power out of the batteries so they have to charge more.
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Wouldn't switch on just for the sake of it, am load shifting my stuff into the window that otherwise needs using at some point, that's the goal anyway. Battery is good because it can be used for anything at any time :)

Cook yourself a nice oven lunch :cool:

Thems the rules I'm playing by anyway, aim today is 10 kWh load-shifted, would be the most I've done. Hard to say how well this will work though as the solar is generating 2.6kW currently.
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