Scary moments in your life when you have come close to death and it wasnt your fault

Was at work, one of the older guys was in a funny mood, decided it would be funny to push me over, landed flat on my back and just to the left of where I landed was an earth rod sticking around 1ft out the ground ready to be hammered in.

Nearly got impaled.
Doing about 80 (70 honestly officer) on the A127 at about midnight in the inside lane of a deserted dual carriageway, came over a hill and there was a donkey in the other lane walking towards the traffic about 10 feet in front of my car :eek:

Pulled over few deep breaths and called the Police. "Is there really a donkey on the A127 sir, have you been drinking sir" Then all of a sudden they said they'd just received three other calls and someone would be there shortly.

Definitely my lucky night
Am in India on business, so every trip between hotel and office feels like a prolonged RTA which never quite happens.

Overtaking a bus on a bridge only to see two fuel tanker trucks doing the same coming the other way on Friday was the highest reading on the IamGoingToDie-O-Meter so far.

Yup, Indian roads definitely have that effect.
Had an Audi A3 pull out into my lane on the motorway for absolutely no reason (his lane was clear). I was going 3x faster than he was, and I reckon if I hadn't had uprated brakes I wouldn't have been able to stop in time. When I'd finished ******** myself and passed him (on the inside as he wouldn't move over), he was on the phone - I don't think he had any idea how close he came to being very, very dead.
I was stabbed in the back when I was 15 out in town, I wasn't close to death but it was an inch from my spine so I was lucky not to be paralysed. I'd almost brushed this from my memory it was so long ago, thanks op :( ;)
I was stabbed in the back when I was 15 out in town, I wasn't close to death but it was an inch from my spine so I was lucky not to be paralysed. I'd almost brushed this from my memory it was so long ago, thanks op :( ;)

You've been through some serious **** if you forgot that!
Mate got hold of a para glider about 20 years ago, we took it to the highest hill around, Holcomb hill Bury. I said I'd go up in it first, mates were worried so they clipped a climbing rope to the harness and 2 of them kept hold of the end if it..
Tried taking off twice by running off the edge of this hill before realising we had it the wrong way round :) none of us had ever used one before it was learn as we go..
3rd time we put it right way, ran off the edge and I just shot up to the full length of the rope in less than 2 seconds about 150ft ..
I was flying :) but the bad news started then.. The wind was taking me up and off the edge of this hill and it was dragging both my mates along the ground as well.. I remember looking down at them trying to save me flying off into the sky and then looking up to see one corner of the chute swing around and come whizzing past my face and across my body..
With being tied to the rope it had no where to go and it just eventually twisted me around and slammed me into the hillside.
Once my mates had jumped on the chute to stop it dragging me across the ground I looked at where I'd stopped and hit the ground, there was rocks sticking out all over.. I got lucky and was winded, bruised and covered in rope burns around my neck and arms, only had jeans and a T-shirt on :)
My mates never took a turn after that and we sold it on soon after.. Still laugh about it now and talk about the big what if- I'd never had the rope tied to me, how high and far would I have gone up and over the moors before crash landing some where :)
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I had a close encounter with a tomato once. Man, I never want to go there again ! ;)

Let me guess.. you "fell" on it :D

Trust me, they've heard every excuse in A&E. Come up with something more original than you "fell" on it, so I can have a good laugh.
I get near misses quite regularly in work normally gas. I had an explosion door go off near me when working, big fireball, kinda scary.
Scarest thing is gas and knowing your escape routes are limited. Nothing quite as brown pants time when your monitor goes off and you look down and its reading Over limit( 1000ppm or more)..
Connecting up a 3 phase motor starter to a roller shutter door while the shutter was closed.
All of a sudden a forklift drives straight through it bringing the shutter and part of the wall with it the motor up top missed my head by about 2 inches

Shutter was 8 meters wide by 8 high
chimney backed up, carbon monoxide fills up the house, mother dearest's alarm wakes her up, she tells me she's sick, i try to go to school and find i cant walk more than 20 paces before collapsing. we end up getting the doctor who said if the alarm were half an hour later at our exposure rate we wouldnt have been able to wake up for it.

thank god mother dearest is an early riser!
Oh what a question I have many ???

1. Aged 8 getting changed into my Pjs from having a bath in front of the fire, and a god knows how many pound glass light shade with a spike fell 13ft,
scraped down my back while bending over the dry my feet!!! If I was standing XX goodnight! :eek:

2. Climbed on a 20 odd foot roof for a football, missing my step off the drain pipe and just catching my foot on the gutter as I fell? Head first, saved my ******* my life it did. ;)

3. Messing around with a friend on the way home from school and he pushed me
into the road, and a car doing a good 40 hit my school bag, just scraping my leg.
Bag went a good few feet down the road, fingers a little sore but all well! :p

4. Stuck a screwdriver in and electric fire! I know...... :rolleyes:

5. Crashed a Mini metro under a articulated lorry carrying Carling Black Lable larger!!! lol
Snapped the car in two!;)

I have calmed down a lot since that accident in 1997! ;)
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I was stood on a ledge in a 3 metre deep pool when I was 14 and lost my footing just as I was breathing in. Ended up taking a full breath of water into my lungs and everything slowed down. I felt oddly at peace, until I passed out and was resuscitated on the side of the pool a few moments later lol.
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