Scary moments in your life when you have come close to death and it wasnt your fault

Closest I've come to death without it being my fault was having flu. I didn't really have any idea what being ill meant before that. Flu, actual flu, is not at all like a cold. I couldn't stand and had trouble crawling to a tap to get water.

I once took what could have been a fatal shock. I was lucky enough to get it on the back of my hand and was jolted away from it. Some pain and temporary partial paralysis in my arm. But that was my fault - I failed to make it safe before working on it because I wasn't paying enough attention.
I nearly ended up doing a supermeatboy live action scene. I was working on a residential building site and this bloke was using a new road cutter (imagine a shopping cart with a 2ft diameter saw blade on the side) and I had my back to him directing traffic. The blade jammed in the tarmac and the cutter launched forwards right at me, with Gary hanging off the back of it. Thankfully he shouted and I jumped out of the way, but I was nearly cut in half!

Another time, on the last leg home on a week long road trip on our motorcycles, my dad, brother and I were tired and desperate to get home so were hopping in and out of lanes on a big main road in LA. I was at the back and followed them into the curbside lane to overtake. I found myself accelerating towards a dumptruck that was parked on the curb with a big dodge pickup blocking the route out of the lane next to me. I couldn't stop, had nowhere to go but forwards so I just pinned it. I squeezed through a gap about a foot wide between this white pickup and the dumptruck, which wasn't there a split second later. I was already pretty frazzled at that point, so I did a fair bit of shouting at my dad and brother for leading me into that situation. Earlier in the trip I watched my dad duck under a blown out lorry tire that had been flicked up off the road. I remember as he ducked under it it matched his profile with about 2 inches to spare at any point. We slowed down and all made it home in one piece.
Pneumonia which I thought was just a very bad case of the flu combined with blood clots on the lungs via an underlying medical condition.
Result was almost two weeks in hospital and being told they were not convinced I was going to get through the first 48hrs.
When I was very young I jumped into a swimming pool without any armbands/parents. Technically this was my fault but as I was about 2 at the time I'm not taking the blame! I can remember looking up in the water, I'm not sure if this is a real memory though as its possible to create a false memory from being told a story.

Another time was when I was 18, myself and 4 (large) mates were crammed into a metro and driving home from a club at about 3am and we almost had a crash on a dual carriage way. There had already been a crash on a junction but we only saw the second wrecked vehicle in the fast lane at the last second. I honestly believe that most of us would have died if we had hit it.
As a kid I thought it would be a smart idea to remove a resistor from a bedroom night light with a metal pen to see if it would make it brighter...

Once the white haze had gone from my eyes I realised I was on my back about 2m away from the thing. :D

Another occasion as a kid was climbing over 8ft palisade fencing. My foot slipped, the spike when straight up my back and out the top of the neck area, basically hanging me by the neck. Thankfully my mates dad was on his way over to give us a ******* for climbing the fence and he was able to lift me off. :D

I'm sure there's plenty of others!
Thinking it about it probably too many near misses to count. Regarding actual accidents (obviously where I was completely innocent) had two major motorbike crashes where I was thrown though the air leaving the bike behind. Once straight over a car and the second time over a car and flew through the air a long way down the road. The person who called the ambulance for the second accident reported that I had been killed. Actually walked away from both of them with scrapes and bruises.

Another one would be using a Zebra crossing when I was a kid and white van man decides to floor it rather than stop. I wake up 10 minutes later next to a tree with a crowd of people stood around me to find that the nice van driver scarpered before the emergency services arrived. Amazingly nothing broken then either - I must be quite bouncy.
Been involved in a multiple car and lorry pile up on the motorway, caused by someone losing control coming off a slip road. Amazingly, and despite 7 or 8 cars being written off, the crash barrier destroyed and a lorry totalled, everyone walked away.
I was once waiting to turn right in my MG midget, which has all the crash worthiness of wet tissue paper. On the road I was turning onto was a Range Rover, indicating to turn left on to the road I was on. Coming the other way was a car a fair bit away. Normally I'd have gone, but it was a sunny day, the roof was down, I knew the MG wouldn't out accelerate the car that was a fair distance away, and there was nothing behind it, so I waited. And the Range Rover, still with indicator on, but also with a young woman on her phone, went straight on at about 60mph past the front of the car.

So if I had've gone, that'd have been me mashed into a million pieces. Leant a valuable lesson about not assuming people are doing what their indicators are suggesting there. Still makes me shudder a bit.....
Closest I've come to death without it being my fault was having flu. I didn't really have any idea what being ill meant before that. Flu, actual flu, is not at all like a cold. I couldn't stand and had trouble crawling to a tap to get water.


The flu is the worst I've ever felt for an extended time. I get so angry when people say "oh I think I've got the flu" Er no you have a cold.
If your house is on fire and you still stay in your bed, you have the flu. If you get up and out its not the flu
Once nearly died of diabetes after my doctor prescribed me antibiotics for it instead of insulin.

Pretty much the same for me. I didn't even get the antibiotics for my 'stomach bug'. The last doctor I saw called an ambulance at least, seeing as I was almost dead by then.
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