
Just to put a spanner in the works there are several different types of scone and depending on the type depends on the way the word is said.

As a Skilled baker I have had to learn the difference :( it is mainly to do with the way they are made and the type of ingredience that are in them, and also where the type of scone comes from.

Please dont ask me to discribe the difference or we would be here all day :D
Royality said:
Okay so how do you pronounce 'wrath'.

I've always said 'raath' but a lot of people say 'roth'? :confused:

Which is right, and is 'roth' even a word?

Thats just Bath or Barth, or Grass or Grarse posh oik terminology type things. :p
Inquisitor said:
Skon to be honest. Anyone who says otherwise is clearly not thinking straight ;)

Its nothing to do with thinking straight, everyone in here is simply stating the way theyve grown up with...Theres no thinking going on..
Spawn said:
Scone as in tone is the way i say it and always have...guess i must be weird then:p. Skon just sounds so damn ghey though :p

Its almost as weird to say as 'ass'....

Ok...garaaaage or garidge?
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