Scottish Elections Result

29 Aug 2003

Ahleckz said:
Probably best to make a new thread, not sure people want to hear our ramblings!

It's true, Labour have safer seats but it was a big one for them to loose. I always thought that the SNP would do very well and I have mused about them taking the majority and I think with taking the EK seat it's a possibility. It's good to see the Conservative vote is holding up though. Whilst the GE is miles away it's good to see there is still support out there.

She doesn't look like a Fabiani... Her husband own a chippy?


This is going to be a landslide!!

Ya dancer! :D
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29 Aug 2003
Reckon Iain Gray will go? He's on the list, right?

I pray to god he will.

Then what? Well, no more running that's for sure!

Even these couple of first seats have shown Labour are in actual, real, meltdown.

I'm going to pop open another beer and enjoy this thoroughly.
29 Aug 2003
Oh no here the war comes..

//I know nothing of Scottish politics or politics in general, any nationalist party sounds scary though.

Ooooh, nationalists. Quick, string them up!!! ;) :D

Would it interest you to know that the Conservatives are a nationalist party?
29 Aug 2003
Hot Candidate Alert! Where is she? Oh, she won. Hot MSP Alert! (Well, hot for a MSP)...

Another SNP gain over Labour, Clydesdale.
Three horse race, Lib Dems forgot to get their papers in on time. +16% change to SNP, Con down 5. Swing of 8.9% to SNP. Big.

Haghaha, as soon as I saw her I thought 'oh aye' ;)

She's young! Well done to her over turning a labour seat like that.

I'm going to bed happy tonight. :)

(Yes, that's how I took the swing too i think. People are moving)
29 Aug 2003
Ahleckz said:
As in you want Scotland to become independent? I don't think the support is there for a Yes vote on independence and can't really see it happening any time soon.

It's getting interesting though.. ok a lot of people may have played off independence polls against the risk of voting SNP if they are inherrently Unionist.

But I've got to say, if this trend keeps up long term and Labour struggle to pull back from this continued decline I have to say eventially it is a near foregone conclusion, it could take generations but it has been argued that any act of devolution itself is in essense the start on the road to independence.

Analysis has been terrible, need Brian back. Or give Jeremy Vine a train ticket.

Party pundits are more purposeful, Labour are still ignoring the obvious and harping on with negativity. Even in defeat. (Apart from one guy they just had in the studio, they should listen to him - his name passed me)
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29 Aug 2003
I think support going towards SNP doesn't in itself give carte blanche support for independence or support.

Not at all, neither do I.

But think of the long term effects, people warm to the party. They listen to the argument, become a member perhaps after changing their vote for example. It has a knock on effect, a stronger re-elected SNP government is going to probably push stronger on the issue this time round, and with a reduced Labour and Conservative groups it could start to dominate the Scottish political theatre more especially with the SNP having ranks of civil servants to help.

I quite like the SNP, and I do think they have been good in a minority government. However, I'm concerned about them holding a majority and being overly concerned with independence.

Don't be, while being the ultimate end aim, it isn't too distracting from day to day politics. This concern was mooted in 2007, and in four years while fighting for the referendum and things like the 'national conversation' they have still produced a robust government and policy.

I think Alex (great name) understands this but we all know what politics is about and he'll spin these results to suggest there is widespread support for independence and I don't think there is - nor will there be for some time.

Yes, you are right to an extent. He won't do it to ad nauseum I don't think, and it will progress to more civic action.

Devolution is indeed the start of the road, and if Scotland gets fund raising powers then it's akin to the accelerator being pressed (how far are we going to go with this analogy?) but I still don't think it will happen. A Yes vote in a referendum means little if Westminster (and the English people) don't agree on it.

The English people don't have a say on the matter, and while technically at present there are constitutional barriers Westminster would ignore Scottish democratic right and will for a second time at high risk.
29 Aug 2003
Uddingston - Labour hold. Pretty close. 46/43 Lab/SNP (+15% for SNP though!). Again, Lib Dems hardly even registered.

The lib dem share on the last two seats has been trully shocking.

They have all but dissapeared, I can't wait for the highlands to start to return some results :o
29 Aug 2003
It depends how long term we are thinking. Ignoring outside pressures and geopolitics, then yes I believe Scotland will become independent eventually. Reasons for this? Generational and economical change. If we generalise for a while, the people that vote Labour are declining and the traditional jobs (which employed the bedrock of Labour support) are dying out to a reasonable extent. Conservatives are never going to crack Scotland to any meaningful extent and therefore sense suggests support will go to SNP.

I agree, and I would expect a large swing back to the right in the event of independence. Scotland is inherently of the right socially and economically, we helped give birth to the ideology near enough.

Though, with external pressures factored in I just can't see how Scotland will want to go independent in the coming years. But this is crystal balling and we don't have that. Nor do I really want to get into another Scottish independence debate, especially in this thread.

No no, my feelings are likewise. I don't think it will happen in the next five years, but they might be able to turn it around somewhat. Look at the start of this election to now for example, I didn't expect that.

The concern was mooted because of the failure to get a majority - Hence why we never saw the promised bill to introduce a referendum. But yes, we have had a fairly robust government and subsequent policy. There are many things that I disagree with what the SNP are doing but I do believe they have been doing a reasonable job but some of this must be credited due to them being in minority. I can't believe I'm actually arguing in support of minority government! :p

I genuinely am not fussed, and I think the electorate would rather another minority. I'm not convinced on referendums so early on, and would rather see a decade or so of government to convince.

But wait and see I suppose. Also, I think there is nothing wrong with minority coalitions I think there are a few examples of good governance around the world with that political makeup.

We shall see.

The English people don't have a say in it but Westminster does. There's a possibility that there could be a referendum about the issue in England which would be interesting. You don't want there to be, as you can't afford it.

Yes that would be interesting, but you can't bind English democratic right over Scot's. So a referendum in England would be a bit of a minefield, if not legally certainly politically and in terms of UK relations. It could only be for English independence really, which co-incidently I believe is actually in England's long term interests but I guess I digress..
29 Aug 2003
Landslide for the SNP, unfortunately. My constituency just got called in favour of SNP, so I'll be going to bed now.

Only good thing about the SNP getting a majority is hopefully they now hold a referendum on independence and get absolutely smashed. I mean, SNP used to go on and on about how great an example Iceland and Ireland were for Scotland being independent, and both of those countries were great examples of exactly why we should be a part of the UK.

They were apart of a group of countries that were mentioned in the 'arc of propserity', and the comparison still holds up to the nordic countries who have survived the recent fiscal whirlwinds far better than even the UK.

The UK on it's own isn't a good argument in my mind, it is a debt riddled disaster to be frank.

I'm glad the Lib Dems are getting hammered aswell, I deeply regret voting for them last year and am glad they are tanking.

A colleague of mine tactically voted them to prevent Tories, and has been sorely annoyed since.

There seems to be a lot of that here.
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29 Aug 2003
Shetland coming through...

Iain Gray is up... I'm going to say he's held it, by less than 100.

Please god no.

But it would be funny to see him back in parliament after this meltdown, but I still want him gone.


*****, what a giant *****.


151 bloody votes OMG

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