SCUM The Game - Survival

They wiped the characters just a couple of days ago.

And now wiped since yesterday. It makes building characters utterly pointless

Combined with the fact that all servers are private, I cannot see this managing to continue successfully as you just lose all progress without warning.
I think you kind of have to expect wipes in ea to be fair.
I think you kind of have to expect wipes in ea to be fair.
Absolutely. But so close together, without warning both times, has totally taken away my drive to play it due to combining that with the mess that is PvP. There's really very little calling me back in due to limited content and general unreliability.
Absolutely. But so close together, without warning both times, has totally taken away my drive to play it due to combining that with the mess that is PvP. There's really very little calling me back in due to limited content and general unreliability.
this is what I was getting at earlier - peoples expectations. this is my take on it - if a game is in ea and the devs discover something or need to fix something urgently that requires a quick wipe, they do so, no need to notify or warn people. if it happens twice in the 1 day or weeks apart it shouldn't matter they are entitled to do it due to it being in ea. unfortunately, and this is not a dig at you, people have come to expect more, they are impatient and unforgiving. they want a weeks notice, emails, text messages and a personal phone call to make sure that a wipe, for example, won't annoy the player base or pee folks off and that's just wrong but it's how gamers have become. this is why I fear for the game. gamers are a very unforgiving bunch.

you've also alluded to the other issue, albeit indirectly, content or the lack thereof. i'm going to guess that you'd probably put up with the wipes, bugs etc if the game offered something a little bit more in the way of content?

it's this sort of attitude that could ultimately lead to the game failing. again that is not a dig at you, you are simply the quintessence of todays gamers. fickle and unforgiving. I think that is why we see so many games that appear to be 'cash grabs'. devs release the game into ea with the best intentions in the world. the fickle mob swarm on the game expecting something that an ea game is never going to give them. the devs make a pile of money but then that income stream starts to slow up......what do they do, expend time and effort to inject more life into their game while usually facing a barrage of criticism from online trolls about how their (ea) game is a poopy buggy mess or do they go 'sod it, lets move on' - I know personally which I would do ;)
this is what I was getting at earlier - peoples expectations. this is my take on it - if a game is in ea and the devs discover something or need to fix something urgently that requires a quick wipe, they do so, no need to notify or warn people. if it happens twice in the 1 day or weeks apart it shouldn't matter they are entitled to do it due to it being in ea. unfortunately, and this is not a dig at you, people have come to expect more, they are impatient and unforgiving. they want a weeks notice, emails, text messages and a personal phone call to make sure that a wipe, for example, won't annoy the player base or pee folks off and that's just wrong but it's how gamers have become. this is why I fear for the game. gamers are a very unforgiving bunch.

you've also alluded to the other issue, albeit indirectly, content or the lack thereof. i'm going to guess that you'd probably put up with the wipes, bugs etc if the game offered something a little bit more in the way of content?

it's this sort of attitude that could ultimately lead to the game failing. again that is not a dig at you, you are simply the quintessence of todays gamers. fickle and unforgiving. I think that is why we see so many games that appear to be 'cash grabs'. devs release the game into ea with the best intentions in the world. the fickle mob swarm on the game expecting something that an ea game is never going to give them. the devs make a pile of money but then that income stream starts to slow up......what do they do, expend time and effort to inject more life into their game while usually facing a barrage of criticism from online trolls about how their (ea) game is a poopy buggy mess or do they go 'sod it, lets move on' - I know personally which I would do ;)
Correct - more content, I'd be sticking with it as it has promise.

The content currently amounts to building up your character's stats, getting geared and PvP. The latter two I enjoyed hundreds of hours of in DayZ standalone. But this game fails thus far in the first piece of content, because there is zero point in building up your stats as they get wiped. The stats building is tedious at best, but it's important to enable you to actually survive. So it's both tedious and pointless and important...kind of a recipe for lack of enjoyment. Furthermore, as your character is unique to a server, it really limits who you can group up with. Two groups? Need two characters. Both of which get wiped, restarting everything back to square one, twice. At least if your character was transferable as in DayZ, it would immediately boost actual engagement time and thus be more appealing.

I have previously enjoyed being 'part' of early access games, as it's interesting to see how thisth develop. But not with this one for some reason, and I suspect that's due to the ingredients currently creating a bit of a crap cake.
the ingredients currently creating a bit of a crap cake.
it sounds, potentially, that the ingredients are a recipe for disaster. that said, i'll be giving it an actual play over the weekend but my days of giving people money and for them to then decide 'sod it, lets move on' are over.
Its one of those games i really want to like, it looks great and takes a more hardcore approach to survival. I am a little miffed as to why they released it with no real content or storyline. There is very little to work towards so i just end up exploring and learning the map, which is great in itself but many people haven't got the same patience.

I have been following The Forest for well over 2 years now and i have a feeling it will go the same path (and that had some content and a storyline from the off). Lots of bug fixes but no actual content. I will keep an eye on it and hope they deliver what people want.
The change to item despawn is ridiculous. Me and my son were playing last night. Killed a zombie then decided to get mats for a fire to cook. Got 8 stones. Forgot I didn't have an axe so crafted one of those, this took ages as couldn't use wire with 50 durability so made bark rope. Chopped tree and got 3 logs. Got attacked by 2 zombies. Went to make fire and half my stones had despawned. Got the stones and realised I'd forgot 1 log. Went back and more stones had despawned. Got the stones and logs started despawning. With crafting as time consuming and complicated as it is this change is ridiculous.
The change to item despawn is ridiculous. Me and my son were playing last night. Killed a zombie then decided to get mats for a fire to cook. Got 8 stones. Forgot I didn't have an axe so crafted one of those, this took ages as couldn't use wire with 50 durability so made bark rope. Chopped tree and got 3 logs. Got attacked by 2 zombies. Went to make fire and half my stones had despawned. Got the stones and realised I'd forgot 1 log. Went back and more stones had despawned. Got the stones and logs started despawning. With crafting as time consuming and complicated as it is this change is ridiculous.
yea should be like 20-30minutes

or however long it takes to run across 1 sector so you can loot your own stuff if you die.

hopefully they hurry up and release the server code at some point, I think they said they would some when.

the official servers are crap and rented servers.

the london/manchester servers are all in germany so I don't get the names
i'm guessing that's the lack of content? or was it more game issues that put you off?

More the fact playing solo is boring. Game issues haven't put me off so far.

this is what I was getting at earlier - peoples expectations.

I disagree with you here in part. Early Access is a double edged sword. Should the customers be lenient with their expectations of a game that is not yet complete? Absolutely. Should the developers be aware that even a poor EA release will negatively affect the overall perception of their product? Absolutely. You can't keep putting the onus on the players to forgive a lack of content and show stopper issues (lag making combat superfluous) just because it's EA - the developers CHOSE to make the game EA.

The issue I have with SCUM at the moment is that it seems to completely replicate the game play from DayZ albeit with further polish. Sure crafting is far better, but to what point? Sure the metabolism system works, but to what point? Sure the wet clothes system is more in depth, but to what point? Then you stick all of this on to a game map which is larger than DayZ but limited to 64 players, and it becomes a very lonely experience. Especially if you're playing solo or don't have 3 hours spare each evening to meet up with your mates and do some exploring.
I disagree with you here in part. Early Access is a double edged sword. Should the customers be lenient with their expectations of a game that is not yet complete? Absolutely. Should the developers be aware that even a poor EA release will negatively affect the overall perception of their product? Absolutely. You can't keep putting the onus on the players to forgive a lack of content and show stopper issues (lag making combat superfluous) just because it's EA - the developers CHOSE to make the game EA.
I think you’re misunderstand my point (I probably didn’t put it across very well)
My point is 100% the same as your own.
The gamers should be more lenient without a doubt.
The devs though must have a reasonable amount of content in from the get go. Simply saying it’s ea is not an excuse, well it is but it’s one that could potentially kill their game. I’m very very wary of any ea game that doesn’t have a reasonable amount of content from the get go - they tend to be the cash grabs imo. Which is why I have my reservations about scum.

The onus is on the player base to be more forgiving (never going to happen) but equally the onus is on the devs to ensure their game has enough substance to it from the get go to hold on to players. Bugs etc pee people off but they’ll usually stick around. Lack of or poor content drives people off.
How is this game in single player? I love the look of it and the game type bit I've always found multiplayer on this sort of game to be very annoying in the past because someone far better than me always seems to come along and kill me for no good reason!
Bunny [developer] 1 Sep @ 10:33am

New weapons will come to the game... we already have models and animations ready for the bow and arrow just waiting on the programming side, some new guns will be coming too.
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