I think as is, the game is a good wind down chill out game after a sesh on Pubg, overwatch or anything intensively competitive.
For the game to survive long term I want to see more boats about, from what i've heard its 16 player max? which is 4 galleons in a huge map you're unlikely to find someone for a while, I want a good scrap against a boat or two.
Good suggestion from a mate, some type of pirate hangout that you have to defend if a galleon come's rocking up for your bootay, use of onland cannon's like the skeleton's have.
People like to grind and I personally think a good XP system that can unlock specific items for ships, or your pirate would go a long way.
For the game to survive long term I want to see more boats about, from what i've heard its 16 player max? which is 4 galleons in a huge map you're unlikely to find someone for a while, I want a good scrap against a boat or two.
Good suggestion from a mate, some type of pirate hangout that you have to defend if a galleon come's rocking up for your bootay, use of onland cannon's like the skeleton's have.
People like to grind and I personally think a good XP system that can unlock specific items for ships, or your pirate would go a long way.