***** SEAGATE BARRACUDA 2TB 6Gb/s 64MB cache (ST2000DL003) ***** IN STOCK (OFFER ENDED)

For 5900rpm drive this is very fast over 100MB/s speeds rivals my samsung f3 and f1.

Very happy with this drive would recommend.

As for the SATA 3 might not be all that or use its full potential will try on IO level UP later on to see if it makes a difference but i doubt it.
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I'm very skeptical about Sata III hard drives too.

The ones that have been out for ages from WD still dont beat a Samsung F3. Sata III really doesnt seem to make a lot of difference to HD speeds.

Plus I only have two Sata 3 ports on the Marvel controller, and one is already taken up by my SSD.

Sata III for SSD, Sata II for HD = absolutely perfect.

rivals my samsung f3 and f1.

The f1 maybe, but I highly doubt they can match the f3. The sammy f1 and f3 are worlds apart, the f3 is almost twice as fast.
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For 5900rpm drive this is very fast over 100MB/s speeds rivals my samsung f3 and f1..

The f1 maybe, but I highly doubt they can match the f3. The sammy f1 and f3 are worlds apart, the f3 is almost twice as fast.

Just ran hdtune

my F3


Very pleased
I have just recieved mine today and am transfering all my data to it from my older 1TB Deskstar. Very happy with it right now and it seems very quick. I will also so a comparison against my F3 and my new Segate when I actually put it into the system. Will post back soon.
They are rated for 140+Mb/s operation which is faster than the old "performance" versions of the seagate 7200.11 drives (125-133) so I guess SATA3 will be of some marginal benefit.
They are rated for 140+Mb/s operation which is faster than the old "performance" versions of the seagate 7200.11 drives (125-133) so I guess SATA3 will be of some marginal benefit.

But is it worth the extra cost ? im not so sure never had long lasting seagate drives always seem to give in.
Only seagate drives that I know of to be problematic is the 7200.11 series avoid - I've used dozens and dozens of Seagate drives over the last 15 years with only one problem so far (drive still let me pull data off it but started making "gravelly" noises in operation). I have several of them still going strong after 10 years and the older ones were retired rather than failed as the capacity became obsolete.
OK I have run into a problem with the drive, well not directly.

I attached the new drive up and made a 500gb partition and a 1.5Tb one. Transfered all my information on to it no problem. I ran a few HD Tune benchmarks on all 3 drives (F3 500gb, Deskstar 1TB and the new Seagate 2GB). The F3 and DS1TB ran off the SATA3 connections like they have for months and the Seagate off a SATA2 connectin. The benchmarks ran fine, again no problems.

I then took out the DS1TB and replaced it with the 2TB Seagate. Attached it up and booted into windows. I ran the 2TB Seagate on HD Tune again and was met by very poor results. I ran it a few times, but it never got better. I then ran the F3 to have a look at again poor results. I thought ok then I will detatch the new drive and just run the F3 solo and run HD Tune. Again poor results. I think the images below will speak for themselves.


F3 before swap


Seagate before swap (Sata2)


F3 after swap with Seagate connected


Seagate after swap (Sata3)


F3 solo now

Obviously there is an issue here. Nothing in the BIOS has been changed, I have only done a physical swap over from the 1Tb to the 2Tb drive. Any idea what could have affected this?
try different sata cable i just had same problem with a samsung dropping down to 1.8mb and it went back and now its on its way to samsung for replacement.
When i restarted pc i was getting different results each time.
Just done some more tests. The PC has been idle for about 15mins before doing these.


2TB (Sata3)


2TB Health Check, I dont know what the yellow highlights mean.




F3 Health Check
Ok, I have done more testing and I am not getting good results.

I swapped the cables over to rule out any issues there, this did not change anything. I then thought I should do some proper testing so this is what I did.

Boot up > 5 Runs of HD Tune > Boot Down

I took a screenshot after every run to show results. I did this for both drives.

F3 Results:





Seagate Results





Just a little bit of background here, the F3 was giving great results until I conencted the 2TB today. I see no reason why the F3 would have changed like this.
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