Final Final Update:
since the last time, i have gotten a proper ssd bracket, removed the double sided tape - i no lenger recommend it beucase it took off the warranty sticker as i was taking it off

anyway, i have used cable ties to secure all the ccfl's and the inverter and that is all nice
I finally got delivery of the masking tape - i ordered it on the 15th of august!
That is the last time i buy from that "powerseller"
i am mid-way cutting the panel for the acrylic, ill update with pictures tomorrow
Tools for cutting:
- Dremel 300 - £40
- Dremel Speedclic mandrel - £8
- Dremel Metal 38mm cutting discs - £12
- 3M Scotch 4010 masking tape for car respraying - £6.50
- 3M Double sided tape (cant remember code) - £4.50
- U-Channel piping to go around window edge - £3
- Perspex Acrylic whatever its called

- £9
Total cost: ~£80 when a windowed panel is under £20
i am doing this for the experience and the tools, not the window - i already have a windows side panel and i dont like the acrylic they use
The BIG problem with the window was that the fan vents are very high at the top of the panel so it is very difficult to cut enough so that it will but a strip of double sided tape in there
anyway, im trying the lest i can and if i bodge it up - never mind - its my first time doing something like this!
I have left 1.5cm from the perspex edge to the window edge for the double sided tape, if the tape doesnt hold, ill use rivets - but im hoping that is avoidable
What i have done is draw the four straight edges and then use a compass to draw the rounded corners, i am cutting the straight edges first so that i can get my eye in and also so that the disc wears down so that it is smaller and easier to cut the corners - a tip i gleaned from many youtube videos
also, the BIG tip is to but from the back and do small touches with the dremel along the length of the line and then go back over doing deeper touches, if you try to force it down, you can shatter the disc, chip the paintwork, etc etc
it is better to do it bit by bit than rush and try to do it all at once - i frequently stop to have a drink and stretch my back - it is very tiresome using the dremel as it is a lot of concentration and a lot of vibrations going through your hands - not to mention your holding it at an odd angle for prolonged periods of time!
Remember to hold the dremel at the grip points and hold it like a pencil, with both hands, and apply pressure very gently with the tips of your fingers for the best finish
I practiced on an old dell side panel before going ahead with this
I WAS using the unbranded B&Q fibre-glass cutting discs and i went through 4 of them cutting a window on the dell practice panel - the Dremel ones are 1000x better! they cut cleaner and i have dont four straight edges and it looks unworn - practically new!
Right then, when i finish the corners, sand it down and stick the perspex ill be doing some updated photos
off to watch Red or Black