Im in the process of looking to build a new computer and it's going to be for uni and all. I was interested in looking into over clocking and whatnot but do you reckon it would be better to just get an i5 2500 for stability?
this is a good idea if your not going to overclock, the 2500 is a lot cheaper than the 2500k, that is why i went for the 2600 compared to the 2600k - as a uni machine i want stability so im not overclocking this machine
Also with stability you mention having a small HDD to backup you're OS incase you're SSD fails. Could you not install a backup OS on one of the HDD's you're storing data on or is that not possible?
yeah, i guess i could, but i think it is cleaner doing it my way
also, i have my 2x 2tb drives in raid so having that as a separate partition would be a nuisance