Second Build - University

It'll be a while before I can tell :p

I wonder if they are aluminium heatsinks? if so I could get them anodized :) I'm gonna do that when I get some dominator ram :)
It'll be a while before I can tell :p

I wonder if they are aluminium heatsinks? if so I could get them anodized :) I'm gonna do that when I get some dominator ram :)


1) how are you getting them anodized?

2) how are going to remove the current anodizing? some sort of acid to remove the outer layers?
the chilly place does anodizing :) not sure whether they'd remove the current anodizing, would have to ask :p

from what i remember from school anodizing is essentially using the aluminium as an electrode and cobalt or something else blue in colour as the anode, i imagine it wouldnt work over the top of the annodising material... tell us how they do it when you get to it :D

EDIT: quick google search came up with

There are 2 ways to accomplish the removal of the anodic coating from aluminum depending on the surface you want to end up with. A NaOH etch solution will remove the coating but will etch the surface leaving a diffuse (matte) appearance. The chromic acid/phosphoric acid solution used in the Acid Dissolution Test ASTM - 137 will remove the anodic coating without affecting the underlying surface. The composition of that bath is 80 grams of chromic acid in 3.5 liters of water, add 140 ml of 85% phosphoric acid, add water to make 4 liters. The bath is operated at 190 - 200 deg. F. Immerse the part for 15 minutes and then rinse well in water.

Lee C. Branch
Richmond, Virginia
this just keeps getting worse :p :p :p

you need to sell your SB board, wait till the X79 board and chips come out - they will be a while and so youll have plenty of time to save for them - and get EXACTLY what you want :)
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