vonhelmet said:
Well, I wasn't convinced he'd be able to defend himself and his rabid views, so I thought I'd offer him a sporting chance. Something of a headstart, if you will.
Ah well nice to see you biting the bait then, I had hoped that the "flame retardent suit" comment would at least highlight the fact that I wasn't being entirely serious
However my comment probably wasn't particularly sensitive, I just can't get my head around why and how otherwise intelligent people can actually believe that there is an almighty Presence watching over us, because thousands of years ago, in a time when people were, lets face it, pretty primitive, said so.
Of course this is generally ignoring the fact that these stories were passed down by storytellers, priests and the like, before finally being written down, then translated and retranslated many times, before becoming the Bible we know today. When you look at this way and compare it with the likes of the stories of the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen, describing them as fairy tales is really just being harsh but fair. To put it another way, I look at Christianity, Judaism and Islam in pretty much the same way as you guys look at the Norse, Egyptian and Pagan religions
Also, to the OP, dont take my advice about "dumping her" at face value, IT WAS A JOKE. My gf's dad is a strict Christian. My approach is just not to discuss religion, and occasionally roll my eyes and ignore him if he goes on a rant. Thankfully my gf is normal and well-adjusted.