secret comes out...

M0KUJ1N said:
dump the crazy bint tbh.

Do you really want to be held responsible for prolonging the genes of people naive enough to fall hook line and sinker for a bunch of 2,500 yr old fairy tales?

/me puts on the fire-retardent suit

lol prolonging the genes, so you implying christianity is some kinda genetic thing??

Theres always one

<pats on head>
M0KUJ1N said:
dump the crazy bint tbh.

Do you really want to be held responsible for prolonging the genes of people naive enough to fall hook line and sinker for a bunch of 2,500 yr old fairy tales?

/me puts on the fire-retardent suit


I wonder if I can have you done for calling me a "crazy bint" or similar, by association, or for calling me naive?
M0KUJ1N said:
dump the crazy bint tbh.

Do you really want to be held responsible for prolonging the genes of people naive enough to fall hook line and sinker for a bunch of 2,500 yr old fairy tales?

/me puts on the fire-retardent suit

That suit'll come in handy. *gets flame thrower out*

Before this goes any further, I'd like to say this is coming from a non-religious perspective.

He would be held responsible for prolonging the genes of people who believe they are right, just as you do by not believing in God or the '2,500 year old fairy tales'.

Respect people's views, that's what I'm trying to say. :p
jezsoup said:
lol prolonging the genes, so you implying christianity is some kinda genetic thing??

Theres always one

<pats on head>

It's not genetic, but it is passed down in a sort of hereditary fashion, so he has a point.

</devil's advocate>
vonhelmet said:
Well, I wasn't convinced he'd be able to defend himself and his rabid views, so I thought I'd offer him a sporting chance. Something of a headstart, if you will.

Always the gentleman eh?

But back on topic lol...
FirebarUK said:
Ok. Sex for me is the binding part, and hence goes with marriage. I believe that not having sex beforehand can often mean you know your partner more, and that the relationship isn't then based solely upon good sex (or not :p ).
I had sex before I got married and I regret it really, but I think my view has become clearer through it.
Fair play if it works for you. I don't think I'd ever be able to do it. I just think a lot of people that believe in it do actually really want to have sex but think that it's "against the rules". It could make them rush into marriage when they aren't ready which would probably end in divorce. I'm sure that is worse in the eyes of the catholic church. Also because they think of it as a rule, rather than a choice they just try and bend it. "We can touch each other, that's ok" or "Oral sex doesn't count".

This is just how I imagine some relationships are. Don't really know anyone like that.
vonhelmet said:
Well, I wasn't convinced he'd be able to defend himself and his rabid views, so I thought I'd offer him a sporting chance. Something of a headstart, if you will.

Ah well nice to see you biting the bait then, I had hoped that the "flame retardent suit" comment would at least highlight the fact that I wasn't being entirely serious :)
However my comment probably wasn't particularly sensitive, I just can't get my head around why and how otherwise intelligent people can actually believe that there is an almighty Presence watching over us, because thousands of years ago, in a time when people were, lets face it, pretty primitive, said so.

Of course this is generally ignoring the fact that these stories were passed down by storytellers, priests and the like, before finally being written down, then translated and retranslated many times, before becoming the Bible we know today. When you look at this way and compare it with the likes of the stories of the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen, describing them as fairy tales is really just being harsh but fair. To put it another way, I look at Christianity, Judaism and Islam in pretty much the same way as you guys look at the Norse, Egyptian and Pagan religions ;)

Also, to the OP, dont take my advice about "dumping her" at face value, IT WAS A JOKE. My gf's dad is a strict Christian. My approach is just not to discuss religion, and occasionally roll my eyes and ignore him if he goes on a rant. Thankfully my gf is normal and well-adjusted.
Psyk said:
Fair play if it works for you. I don't think I'd ever be able to do it. I just think a lot of people that believe in it do actually really want to have sex but think that it's "against the rules". It could make them rush into marriage when they aren't ready which would probably end in divorce. I'm sure that is worse in the eyes of the catholic church. Also because they think of it as a rule, rather than a choice they just try and bend it. "We can touch each other, that's ok" or "Oral sex doesn't count".

This is just how I imagine some relationships are. Don't really know anyone like that.

Waqnting to have sex with someone you love is a perfectly natural desire, we both do want to have sex with each toehr, nothign wrong with that. But the fact is out of respect for each other and our beliefs we are going to wait. Plus if we have sex now what is left for marriage? I want our wedding night to be really special.

As a Christian I see it as a rule, but I have no problem adheering to it.
My girlfriend is very christian, she believes firmly in God and The Bible, is possible one of the sweetest, nicest and genuinely good-hearted people in the entire world yet we still have unmarried sex.

She says in this world there is no way you can avoid sinning, so if it's going to happen it might as well be something that she enjoys and that causes no hurt to anyone else, as she doesn't lie and would never cheat, and always puts others before herself. Put it this way there's no way she ain't going to heaven if it does exist.

It's fine by me, and we've been together 1.5 years now. :)
Richdog said:
She says in this world there is no way you can avoid sinning, so if it's going to happen it might as well be something that she enjoys and that causes no hurt to anyone else, as she doesn't lie and would never cheat, and always puts others before herself. Put it this way there's no way she ain't going to heaven if it does exist.

It's fine by me, and we've been together 1.5 years now. :)

Granted no one can go round commiting no sin, but it does say in the Bible as Christians we should avoid it where ever possible not just roll over and admit defeat.
jezsoup said:
Granted no one can go round commiting no sin, but it does say in the Bible as Christians we should avoid it where ever possible not just roll over and admit defeat.

She doesn't want to do that, so that's just the way she is. She is an incredibly good person but what can I say... she enjoys being intimate. I don't believe she should deny herself that pleasure in this day and age with a bofriend she loves (and she really does love me) who is non-religious... and in case you're wondering she was doing the horizontal tango before she met me. :)

FirebarUK said:
Looks like its too late now but she's gonna regret it.

Why on earth is she going to regret it? That's very presumptuous, and wholly untrue.
When she settles down and gets married to someone she will. Sex, the most intimate part of you. You marry someone you REALLY REALLY love, totally and will give anything for them. THEN you realise that infact you can't give everything and that you've missed sharing THE most special thing EVER with them and them alone.
You then end up comparing your string of relationships sex wise, you get messed up more, away you go ...
FirebarUK said:
When she settles down and gets married to someone she will. Sex, the most intimate part of you. You marry someone you REALLY REALLY love, totally and will give anything for them. THEN you realise that infact you can't give everything and that you've missed sharing THE most special thing EVER with them and them alone.
You then end up comparing your string of relationships sex wise, you get messed up more, away you go ...

Correction, that's what YOU would do because that's what you believe. She doesn't hold the same viewpoint with regards to this issue so your point is moot.
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