Seeing SetiClassic off in style!

28 Sep 2003
As you can see from this thread some of us are wanting to move our crunchers from whichever projects we currently do over to Seti Classic one last time.

Seti Classic was what got me into DC and what got me onto this forum. I expect that's also the case for a large amount of Team OcUK members. If you'd like to join us for one last push on classic, please post your name in this thread, along with how many cpus you can donate.. It would be nice to see how many of us do this and how many crunchers we can get onto (TM) The Push! :D

I would suggest we aim to move over asap, just to do as much as we can!

If you need to download the client again, here's a link to a page with SHEDLOADS of seti classic clients! (thanks go to KE1HA for that link)

If you remember the program SetiSpy, you'll remember just how useful it is. You can download a version from here :D

SetiDriver, another useful little SETI app can be found here. This app allows for multiple instances of the client to run on multiCPU machines, plus caching of WUs if you're still in the dark ag...... On dialup :p

If you can't remember your user account, you'll find my SETI mail address is the same as my MSN address. View my forum profile, You'll find that address in trust :) (sorry about not posting it here, but I don't want unregistered members etc getting hold of it!)

So here we go, consider this ME joining up with at least 325 pc's. I'll have to see about the 100 odd laptops tomorrow!

On the home front, I've now set this list crunching on classic :-
1x Media PC (Sempron 2600+)
1x Laptop (Centrino 1.4GHz)
1x Tablet PC (Celeron 1.6GHz)
1x Mac Mini (1.4GHz)

Currently rebuilding my desktop PC (Pentium 4 3.6) which'll be done soon.
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I'm in. 2 rigs, possibly 3.

(edit) Clients, SETISpy and accounts have been taken care of: well done Sammael, KE1HA and KillBait.
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Ah, SetiQueue! Very useful for the larger crunchers back in the day - could find some use again?

AMD64 @ 2.4Ghz is up. Switching my bro's XP2500 when he gets off it.

(edit) 2 rigs now up.
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This was a long time ago, but I seem to remember that 3.03 was noticeably faster than 3.08. 3.08 fixed a minor security issue which nobody was worried about, so most people stuck with 3.03.
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Count me in. Like for a lot of people, seti classic got me into DC projects so ill move all of the machines i can get to from seti boinc to classic.

Ill be adding:

5 P4 3.0 Ghz HT so 10 CPUs there
and my PD 840EE so another 4 there.

That should help us get the top spot back.
I left most of my old SETI Classic stuff installed but disabled. I'm sure I could stoke up a few clients if a few certain individuals would get off my backside in other DC projects. :p
Mattus said:
This was a long time ago, but I seem to remember that 3.03 was noticably faster than 3.08. 3.08 fixed a minor security issue which nobody was worried about, so most people stuck with 3.03.
Over the last 12 hrs or so, I averaged ~3.5 hrs per WU on 3.08 with a PM 1.4. I've loaded up 3.03 and will see how that progresses. There was also a 3.06 and 3.07 version. I will have to read the release notes to find out all the ins and outs are on those.
KillBait said:
How about keeping a list of who's offered to swap over, that way we can keep a track of who agreed to switch.

Members switching so far (15th Nov 22:55)

Sammael (~430 CPUs)
MGP (~33 CPUs)
KE1HA (~20 CPUs?)
Whitestar (14 CPUs)
BillyTheImpaler (12 CPUs)
lay-z-boy (10 CPUs)
RobOC (8 CPUs)
Null (5 CPUs)
dunc (4 CPUs)
Mattus (3 CPUs)
KillBait (2 CPUs)
diogenese (1 CPU)
TwoFace76 (1 CPU)

Come on guys, we can do this! Anyone else?
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I'm in with my 1.5 PM, my Smelleron 1.2, and my dual 2.0 Xeons

Does anybody remember how to change teams? I want to get on the OcUK bandwagon.

EDIT>I figured it out. Go to the OcUK team page and hit "join." Enter your email address and SETI password.

Ahhhh. I do so love SETIQueue. :cool:
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Sorry about this, I posted in the other thread before seeing this one here, I'm a bit rushed right now with maths coursework, so I have to be quick, I shall just copy the post over:

I would definately be up for this and will go full crunching on it so long as everyone else does. SETI Classic introduced me to d/c and got me addicted. There is little else I want to say except that, YES LET'S DO THIS

In answer to Mattus, I think I can answer all of those points:

First up, my team's account is here:

and the e-mail is [email protected]

Secondly, I have a copy of the software available here:

In there is a copy of the client, SETI Spy, and of course the wonderful proxy, Seti Queue. Hurrah for my amazing filing abilitities

If we get enough people who are up for it, I will move the fleet over today, just not right now as I have a maths coursework to do, due in tomorrow


Back in this thread again: Looks like we have enough people, I shall convert over tonight and should be able to bring about 10 pcs of varying ability to the cause. I shall try and persuade the old team mates too.

I should be on more later if I ever get this coursework done :( and for now, KEEP CRUNCHING ALL :D
I have switched over my home crunchers to seti classic
1 x barton 2500
1 x sempron 2600
1 x dual p3 833

I have no access to my borgs

I am crunching for team guinness. Any old/new members are welcome. The e-mail address may have changed. The current one is duncan [at]


Mattus said:
Nice work... how many crunchers will there be? :D

2 laptops,
my rig,
my new rig,
my server,
my family pc,
my n00b rig
2nd n00b rig


and a few school computers

oh yeah and an enterprise server, how many cpu's it has i cant say, i lost count :p
Can anyone remember if there was a program to monitor clients over a network? Kinda like FAHMon does for Folding, and BOINCView does for BOINC? I swear I used to use one, but can't remember what it was!
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