Seeing SetiClassic off in style!

MGP said:
OK, a few quick questions:

PCs with more than one CPU - Hyperthreaded, etc. Will classic detect this and run two WUs at once?

nope, you have to have two installs to manage it

MGP said:
Seti Queue - can I run that as a service & hidden - if so anyone know how?

Yes it installs as a service, as to it being hidden, probably depends on what you call it. :)

MGP said:
Installing over a network - anyone got an easy way - the links for doing this in the TOSAH thread have broken.

I've re-putup the SetiRemote script package on my server check out the readme.txt especially the bit about the registry file and your userinfo file.
Biffa said:
I've re-putup the SetiRemote script package on my server check out the readme.txt especially the bit about the registry file and your userinfo file.

Thanks. Guess what I'll be trying not to break on my office's network today :cool:
Biffa said:
I've re-putup the SetiRemote script package

Unfortunately the SR script didn't work for me, there's 400+ machines in pcnames.txt and it can't seem to handle it! :rolleyes:

Manual install done on 205 machines so far........

My fingers burn!!!! :eek: :(
Well ... it's slow going, but i managed to get approx 10 machines shifted over to classic. Still have a couple Linux XEON boxes to shift over. The WinDoze boxes are definately a pain, can sympathize with Sammael !!
Ok, I'm in too for old time's sake :D. Got one PC running it (hyperthreaded P4 3.6GHz), so should hopefully add a few to the total :)
rich99million said:
gonna be a shame to lose the F@H production for a month but then that's not gonna be ending for a long time

Yeah, i feel the same, and i was catching Concorde Rules aswell, now he has a 1 month headstart, oh well, all for a good cause.

Looks like i'm maxed out at dumping 24 WU's a day, not much in comparison to the others, but doin my bit.
I think it's time for some MEGA PARPING :D

Any slackers in cells 436 and above (I seem to have entered the fray somewhere around there as I'd retired from my old team on 2500 WUs), standby to reap the whirlwhind of:
12 x P4 3.0HTs
1x Athlon 1200
1x PIII 1Ghz
1x P4 1.8
1x P4 2.8
1x Athlon 3500XP
They should get a bit faster as the boinc queues clear out.

And thats ignoring the Dual CPU Dual Cored Hyperthreading Zeon monster, currently slacking in the corner, whilst I do a final configuration on it's software.
I've been a b0rging more today, I now have:

Prescott 3.0 (gaming rig)
Dothan 1.73 (laptop)
Barton 2600+ (family pc)
Willamette 1.8 (sister's pc)

But I'm struggling for more machines that will be useful. My brothers laptop, a Sempron 3000+ could be good but he refuses to let me, and aside from that all the other pcs are too slow - they're all Celerons :o :(

I'm hoping that as a team, Team Modalot will get a daily output of 40 Wus. Any less and visits to spanky may be neccessary :eek:

(yes that was aimed at you lay-z-boy, you lay-z slacker :p). Now what was it you said about running SETI on the school pcs? That I would like to see :D
This is all good fun but is there a stated intention?

Is it the intention of Team OcUK to STOMP the Germans?

We appear to need about 200,000 WUs to make this a reality. who's got the numbers to tell us if it's possible? Is it possible? How many WUs and crunchers would we each need to make this happen?

I've got 8 CPUs at my house cranking and I'm working on getting the b0rgs at work switched over. I'll have to wait a bit becasue I need to have the time to go set up my SetiQueue server again. I should be in at about 60 WU/day when all is said and done as that's where my production was before I got all foldy.
my main machine is swapped over - got a stash of 99 WUs with Seti Driver (can anyone remember if that's too many to be safe with driver? i seem to remember there being a limit over which things got a little bit risky) and i should be able to get some other slower borgs which were unable to have folding run on them

every little helps eh? :)
I do hope that this is an good attempt to Stomp the Germans! The Kudos of being No1, as the project comes to an end has to be an ultimate goal.

If we aren't going for the stomping, what would be the point? Many times I've read doubts that classic is doing new work, and may well be recycling. If that is the case we're wasting a lot of resources simply to be No1.

Bear in mind we aren't just 240,000 or so WUs behind (according to Seti@home's own site stats), they are still adding to their total too - altough at what rate is unclear, since I can't find a good team stats page.

Let's hope they don't see this thread and get ideas to hold us off.

Realistically we are going to need well over 8,000 WUs a day, even if they are not adding to their pile. Dunno if that is acheivable.
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BillytheImpaler said:
This is all good fun but is there a stated intention?

Is it the intention of Team OcUK to STOMP the Germans?

We appear to need about 200,000 WUs to make this a reality. who's got the numbers to tell us if it's possible? Is it possible? How many WUs and crunchers would we each need to make this happen?

Yep the aim is to overtake the germans and get our top spto back before classic closes down.

at the mo (14.11.05 10.30pm) we need 240,453 woos to catch up, which is 16,439 less than we needed yesterday.
Mr. Diogenese seemed to know the rate of overtake when he said Jan 25th in the pre-Push (tm) thread. That number sounds a bit too specific to have originated in anyone's hindquarters so he likely knows something we do not.

Let us waste not our valuable cycles idly crunching worthless recycled data. There must be a light at the end of the Push. That light is the No. 1 cell for all eternity.

BTW, I haven't been here long enough to know the fates of Sneezy and The Ministry of Serendipity. Each returns 3000+ WUs daily in good ol' Classic. What are they going to do Dec 16th?
Whitestar said:
At the mo (14.11.05 10.30pm) we need 240,453 woos to catch up, which is 16,439 less than we needed yesterday.

If things were static, which they are not, and those numbers were typical, which they are not, we'd need 15 days to crunch that many woos: 240,453 / 16,439 = 14.6269846...

Also, as there are 91 active users listed on the OcUK site, we'll need an AVERAGE of 2,642 WUs per user to overcome the gap: 240,453 / 91 = 2,642.34066...

With 30 days to crunch we'll need an AVERAGE of 89 WUs per day per user: 2,642.34066 / 30 = 88.078022...
Whitestar said:
at the mo (14.11.05 10.30pm) we need 240,453 woos to catch up, which is 16,439 less than we needed yesterday.

Bear in mind that a large part of that 16,439 will be one off from new team joiners bringing their previous scores with them - classic always got that bit of their stats wrong ;)

It's time to make a call to the Boss ( Mr. Spie, are you listening ? ) ... The DON's ... The Moderators ... Anyone affiliated with the computing industry that's connected with our team OcUK or even those that aren't but would like to see us be on top at the end. Maybe a Board E-mail stating the importance / significance would be an appropriate action item.

This is a historical time, both for the TEAM ( OcUK ) and the Science, it will finish only Once, and there will only be One Team Name on top. I would bet money that the shutting down of Seti classic will make the the news somewhere in the world. Wouldn't it be nice if it were here in the Uk???? Live-At-5 !!!!

I've maxed out my resources, well almost. I have a few possibilities left to explore ( maybe a suprise or two in the wings ) I reckon I'll be be hitting the 80+ WU/Per day mark easily enough, but we have to do more, we have to cover our team mates + make additnional milage.

Does Overclockers Want to be on top when it's finished? ... well ... if we do, we need ALL of the computing resource we can throw at this.

Maybe, just maybe we could talk ole Spie into "Loaning" us some spare CPU cycles for testing. All good processors & motherboard combinations need a burning in period ( operability testing :D ) ... don't they?
Member list updated. Come on guys, join up for one last push at Classic and have your name immortalised forever :)

It would be brilliant if we could win this thing. To be honest, if the shutdown date is Dec 15th we need more borgs.
Unless i have read the stats at wrong, it's looking like the german team must have gotten wind of what
we doing, there output compared to the previous few days has jumped by about 50%.

WU Submitted 13/11 - 6165, 14/11 - 9785

Our stats look a little odd in the Submitted/Received ratio but they are Here

I had both pages open and flicked between to two. Please correct me if i'm wrong.
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KE1HA said:
It's time to make a call to the Boss ( Mr. Spie, are you listening ? ) ... The DON's ... The Moderators ... Anyone affiliated with the computing industry that's connected with our team OcUK or even those that aren't but would like to see us be on top at the end. Maybe a Board E-mail stating the importance / significance would be an appropriate action item.

I second the notion! Misters Berserker and Adwhitworth, take charge. Plead our case to those with even grumpier looking avatars. Take our case all the way to the top.
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