Seeing SetiClassic off in style!

Gave up on the coursework :mad:

I've just b0rged my main gaming rig, a 3.0 Prescott with dual Seti Spys setup for HT and a SetiQueue Proxy on it too for stashing. Also b0rged is my Dothan 1.73 laptop, it was a SETI virgin until just now, having been bought within only the last few months it's only tasted BOINC before.
Later on I shall be borging the family Athlon XP 2600+, my dad's Smeleron 2.4, my sister's Northwood 1.8, and anything else I think of. Infact, if someone could find me a client that will run without an OS I will borg the old Duron 800mhz I have here too.

lay-z-boy, very nice work with the b0rging, I expect to see our output soaring high.

Rock on for the old times :D

edit FAO MATTUS. The cpu count of 10 that I quoted earlier was for all of Team Modalot, and lay-z-boy is part of Team Modalot, so infact between us there should only be 15 maximum; perhaps I should be changed to around 5 and lay-z-boy to 10, once we have b0rged all.
p.s, my Seti Queue is available to the public incase anyone wants to use it, it's available at but bear in mind it is broadband hosted so bandwidth is not too abundant.
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At the moment we need 256,892 woos to catch up. That seems like a lot, but i think we can do that in a month as long as our production is higher than the germans. Hopefully there arent many of them still crunching.
Joined from another team, Billy?

Unlike Folding, you take all accumulated credit with you when you change SETI teams, so you just gave us 3000 WUs :D

375) Billy the Impaler 3031 1.278y
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Mattus said:
Which rig was that Billy? My A64 is doing them in about 1h 45m.

Tis a 1.5GHz PM with 512 Mibibytes RAM; she's always been my best alien-finder. She just finished off a 364 pointer with -oneunit enabled so I reached back to good ol' SETI. Any foldy types know if this is the best way to stop FAH from getting a new WU? After it finished I stopped the service and turned off the startup service.
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Allrighty, I've come over from a wee SETI team. Now OcUK's got my 3k WUs but I'm new to this big-team stuff. Is there any stats monitoring site beyond the somewhat poor showing from Berkley?

Something like EOC does for us foldy types would be rather nice. How do we know if we'll pass the Germans? How do we know when we'll pass the Germans?

I'd like to issue a PARP to Mr. 99million as he's a scant 100 WUs away, but I don't know how long it will take.
Most of the Classic stats sites have been shut down. The best one I've been able to find that's still updated is here.

Their team stats page is broken for us though. Don't think it was designed to handle teams with more than 2^24 WUs!
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Oops - that'll be a database column defined as mediumint(3) :)

The old Team OcUK stats might still be working. Haven't looked at them in months.
Berserker said:
The old Team OcUK stats might still be working. Haven't looked at them in months.

Just checked. Believe it or not the whole thing still works apart from the page we're looking for - the team comparison - which gives a 404!
BillytheImpaler said:
I'd like to issue a PARP to Mr. 99million as he's a scant 100 WUs away, but I don't know how long it will take.
right that's it!!!! i know what i'm doing tomorrow night now :D

just have to find where i've hidden the d+c package :o
OK, I'll join in the madness.

Just took me 2 hours to work out how to get at the old classic account :eek:

To save me more timewasting, anyone got links to a quick way to set it up over a network?

Ah the Greatest Sticky, in TOSAH might have some useful info.

I've also found it a pain trying to get to berkeley's classic site: linky
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OK, a few quick questions:

PCs with more than one CPU - Hyperthreaded, etc. Will classic detect this and run two WUs at once?

Seti Queue - can I run that as a service & hidden - if so anyone know how?

Installing over a network - anyone got an easy way - the links for doing this in the TOSAH thread have broken.
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