I spent hundreds of hours on Jet Set Radio. Was an awesome game.
I need to get a vga box for it. It's just sitting there on my shelf
I'm rather late into the Dreamcast scene, I kinda missed the late 90s early 00s console era due to PC gaming. Having had an N64 for years and now having a PS2/3/4, XBONEX etc. I'm quite surprised at how good the DC is. I've only got a small collection of games so far (Sonic 1/2, House of the Dead 2, Sega Rally, Capcom vs SNK, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Sega GT and Soul Calibur) but I'm totally loving it.
I see some DC game prices are creeping up into silly figures, hopefully I can try the must haves before it's too late. Any other top game suggestions?
Virtua Tennis (1 not 2) Best tennis game ever made.