Sennheiser HD650 - The classic beauty in a grey dress Appreciation thread!

Is anyone else starting to prefer their HD650 over their gaming phones? I don't know why but I feel the 650's better micro detail is really benefiting from the X7's more open presentation.

The K702's staging is wonderful though but would it be safe to assume the 650 has a more accurate staging? I feel like I'm more involved in the game than the AKG's but at the same time there's a sense of scale with the 702 that I don't get with the AKG's. Sometimes I feel with the 702 that there's a hole in the middle, think being in the middle of a field, you have the sounds going on around you but there's a ring of nothingness then the sounds are on the outside of that, does that even make sense? Never noticed it that much until today.

All i can say is i found the hd 650 to be a good immersive gaming headphone, once the novelty of 3d sound wore off i stopped really been bothered about that sort of thing or the slightly lacking soundstage of the 650 for gaming. I did have to watercool the pc though since they are open back.
I think it depends a bit on what kind of games and MP versus SP - the detail and immersion is great for SP but I prefer other options for fast paced FPS online.
Yeah, I played a bit of uncharted online and the K702 shined better for competitive play.

I just bass modded them and they actually sound quite good.
Is anyone else starting to prefer their HD650 over their gaming phones? I don't know why but I feel the 650's better micro detail is really benefiting from the X7's more open presentation.

The K702's staging is wonderful though but would it be safe to assume the 650 has a more accurate staging? I feel like I'm more involved in the game than the AKG's but at the same time there's a sense of scale with the 702 that I don't get with the AKG's. Sometimes I feel with the 702 that there's a hole in the middle, think being in the middle of a field, you have the sounds going on around you but there's a ring of nothingness then the sounds are on the outside of that, does that even make sense? Never noticed it that much until today.

You wouldn't get any positional audio with the HD650's though in FPS games etc, right?
Every headphone will give you positional cues but some have a boosted upper mid range and treble to make them stand out. The 650 images really good.
Every headphone will give you positional cues but some have a boosted upper mid range and treble to make them stand out. The 650 images really good.

I meant in a true 5.1 sense like some dedicated gaming headsets. FOr general non-positional use I'm sure it's awesome.
I use the HD650 for gaming. I never use virtual surround as it has always been completely gash in every way. Stereo for life.

They are very good. Especially for single player where audio quality is paramount plus background music will sound great. In Multiplayer they are still fine but the HD598 has the competitive edge as the harshness make footsteps clearer and louder compared to other noises. However I stick to the 650 cause I am lazy and it has my mod mic mount at the moment.
I've had a lot of "gaming" headsets everything from Astro to turtle beach to tritton.

I'd been wanting comfy headphones for quite some time with excellent sound quality and decided to go for the HD650.

I'll never look back they are without a doubt the best headphones i've used to date, I think the next upgrade will be the hd800s for sure
I've had a lot of "gaming" headsets everything from Astro to turtle beach to tritton.

I'd been wanting comfy headphones for quite some time with excellent sound quality and decided to go for the HD650.

I'll never look back they are without a doubt the best headphones i've used to date, I think the next upgrade will be the hd800s for sure

I might be wrong but I'm sure I've read a lot saying the HD800's are worse than the HD650's.
The HD800 is the most technically impressive headphone there is but it'd not for music listening IMO. The 650 has a smoother and more natural response. The 650 on a high end system is quite close to the HD800 in performance.

If you have a entry level to mid range set up then the LCD-2, K712 may be worth a look, it would save you a lot of money rather than going to the HD800.

650 is like a project, the more you put into it, it's possibilities are endless.
how do yo find the mod mic, Disco_P? considering one myself

It's a good mic. However my only point of comparison is the Sennheiser pc350se mic which is fantastic.

Between the two the Modmic sacrifices accuracy for clarity. I've never had any issues with people not understanding me with the modmic but the same folks prefer the sound of the pc350se. Neither picked up my mechanical keyboard and I hammer the keys.

Of course the modmic wins in terms of flexibility. Being removable and swappable is great however you have to deal with 2 wires. And Lord above do I miss the auto mute when I move the mic arm up of the 350se. I am constantly fumbling for the mute slider or talking when muted.
Mine arrived today sounding good on just a fiio e6 from a xonar dx but even just from this they are sounding exquisite.

I shall judge them more when I get a better amp though.

Clamp force seems fine to me don't find them tight at all like some people complain ? Guess i have a thin head

My immediate impression is very very very good clear detailed airy sound with great detail retrieval now I understand what all the fuss is about
The x1 are like a blocked stuffy mids these are very clear in the mids am only on an e6 though so to be expected not to be sounding that amazing but even so it's still impressive.

Not as fun sounding or impactful as my x1 playing hans zimmer but this is probably because I am not using a decent amp yet.
If the x1 are U eq these sound more n eq, immediately I am hearing much more forward clearer vocals.

Hans Zimmer - woad to ruin, sounds breathtakingly incredible on my x1's but not so much on these but as said i need to get a better amp first.
The vocals are really something to behold on these 650's though I am noticing thus far and the noise leakage is nowhere near grado leak levels which I am very happy about
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Mine arrived today sounding good on just a fiio e6 from a xonar dx but even just from this they are sounding exquisite.

I shall judge them more when I get a better amp though.

Clamp force seems fine to me don't find them tight at all like some people complain ? Guess i have a thin head

My immediate impression is very very very good clear detailed airy sound with great detail retrieval now I understand what all the fuss is about
The x1 are like a blocked stuffy mids these are very clear in the mids am only on an e6 though so to be expected not to be sounding that amazing but even so it's still impressive.

Not as fun sounding or impactful as my x1 playing hans zimmer but this is probably because I am not using a decent amp yet.
If the x1 are U eq these sound more n eq, immediately I am hearing much more forward clearer vocals.

Hans Zimmer - woad to ruin, sounds breathtakingly incredible on my x1's but not so much on these but as said i need to get a better amp first.
The vocals are really something to behold on these 650's though I am noticing thus far and the noise leakage is nowhere near grado leak levels which I am very happy about

I personally dont notice any difference between my note 4 and fiio e6 compared to creative zxr with headphone amp on my hd600, I think the whole amp thing for hd600/650 is massively overblown
I personally dont notice any difference between my note 4 and fiio e6 compared to creative zxr with headphone amp on my hd600, I think the whole amp thing for hd600/650 is massively overblown

I thought that until I hooked them up to a £2000 system and they started spanking every Planar I could grab. They scale, and scale endlessly.
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