Seriously ****** off - been threatened with the police by college.

NiCkNaMe said:
Rags me off how you can still get done the morning after due to a technical legality.

'A technical legality'?!

Your liver can motabilise about 1 unit of alcohol an hour. When I go out I drink a hell of a lot more alcohol then my liver can get rid of during 8 hours. I will be over the limit, that why I don't drive.

I know of two people, who have been killed by drunk drivers, one who was a close friend. You don't realise how stupid it is until you have to visit someone's funeral.

Grow up.

burnsy2023 said:
'A technical legality'?!

Your liver can motabilise about 1 unit of alcohol an hour. When I go out I drink a hell of a lot more alcohol then my liver can get rid of during 8 hours. I will be over the limit, that why I don't drive.

I know of two people, who have been killed by drunk drivers, one who was a close friend. You don't realise how stupid it is until you have to visit someone's funeral.

Grow up.


omfg :s

I wake up at 8am, I get in my car feeling NOTHING at all like I did the night before. I don't feel drunk, I don't do stupid things, I feel fine. I don't understand the problem, except 'technically' your still over the limit. Wheres the problem legal face?
NiCkNaMe said:
Difference between life and death having slept for a good 6-7 hours after going out on the lash ? :confused: You must seriously have some low tolerence or your liver must be in spain if you get that affected.

Hell, I used to go out on a monday night get smashed beyond belief and then drive to school the next day (3 hour drive), after having about 6 hours sleep... if anything I felt far more attentive ! Rags me off how you can still get done the morning after due to a technical legality. You ever had a drink and woke up the morning after?

IMO the only reason why i'm not too fussed about the law is because anyone could say they were drinking 8 hours previous , even at night time. :shrug:

It is not a technicallity it is simple biology, your body can only process a unit of alcohol an hour, you may feel fine the next day but your reactions will still be impaired if you have not left enough time to get rid of the booze.

Its no different from haveing 4-5 drinks then jumping in a car, you still feel fine and if anything the alcohol in your system will make you feel even better at driving

I think there should be zero (or marginal) blood/alcohol levels to stop this false impression of "you can a have a few drinks". It is not possible to judge what is ok as everyone is different and by having the current limit people will drink under the delussion they will be ok.
Nix said:
Did you shower / change before you went into college? Was it just on your breath?
Yes Nix just on my breath. She commented when sat about 10 inches away leaning in to where I was breathing, so it's hardly surprising.

I was running late, so had a quick wash and change of clothes. She probably wouldn't even have noticed had I have had a shower and some breakfast.

It's being called a liar I'm angry about. If I thought I was putting anyone in danger then there is no way I would drive.

As I said in my first post I don't make a habit of drinking before college. I was only a bit tipsy durinng the night too. That said, with a nine hour gap, is the reason I thought I was fine.
NiCkNaMe said:
omfg :s

I wake up at 8am, I get in my car feeling NOTHING at all like I did the night before. I don't feel drunk, I don't do stupid things, I feel fine. I don't understand the problem, except 'technically' your still over the limit. Wheres the problem legal face?

Ignorant people like you kill people, I hope you get banned before you kill someone.

NiCkNaMe said:
omfg :s

I wake up at 8am, I get in my car feeling NOTHING at all like I did the night before. I don't feel drunk, I don't do stupid things, I feel fine. I don't understand the problem, except 'technically' your still over the limit. Wheres the problem legal face?

You may not feel drunk, hell you could be on heroin and feel on top of the world, but you're still dangerous, to yourself and everyone on the road.


P.s. And no, I wasn't inciting that you were on drugs.
Delusion or not, I drove for 3 years to Sixth form and went out pretty much every monday night... getting in at 2-3am.. and driving at 8.30am. I drank heavy, and not once did I come close to an accident, or have any type of incidents... hell majority of the people there did it.

No way could I of blamed drink if i'd had an accident that morning, as I felt no different as to how I feel right now :confused:
Just tell the mouthy cow that her only concern is the state of your work, and or lack of it, and any further unfounded allegations or threats from her regarding your actions outside of college/college property will be met with an official complaint to the head of the college.
please don't as if your drunk your insurance will be invlaid and I will have to pay for the repairs myself ;)
NiCkNaMe said:
lol, I feel like getting lashed and driving into your M3 right now just to give you some evidence .

Let me get this straight your advocating drink driving if its the next day and you are still over the legal limit, just because its the next day AND you are being rude to people for pointing out you are in the wrong?

Matblack said:
Let me get this straight your advocating drink driving if its the next day and you are still over the legal limit, just because its the next day AND you are being rude to people for pointing out you are in the wrong?


I was being sarky big man, hence the wink ;)

I don't see how its drink driving if you've had a good 6 hours sleep and feel totally fine in the morning!! I bet there's hardly any evidence to prove your still a risk the morning after and I bet you'l be hard pushed to find any accurate figures!
NiCkNaMe said:
lol, I feel like getting lashed and driving into your M3 right now just to give you some evidence .

Sorry to drag this off topic further, but :/

The legal blood alcohol limit is not just a limit, it's a point at which your reactions (amongst other things) are affected adversly by xx%.

ergo, at *any* point if your blood alcohol level is over the legal limit (which is a safety margin) then your reactions etc are adversly affected by xx%. This is fact.

If you feel better/more alert it's most probably due to rest and/or sleep.
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NiCkNaMe said:
I was being sarky big man, hence the wink ;)

I don't see how its drink driving if you've had a good 6 hours sleep and feel totally fine in the morning!!

If your blood alcohol is over the legal limit its drinking driving if you've had 24 hours sleep.

NiCkNaMe said:
I was being sarky big man, hence the wink ;)
Did you use a wink?
Yo've got a real bad attitude towards DD, hope you lose your licence but not in an accident:)
NiCkNaMe, you are being very naive to think that you are safe to drive. If you are over the legal limit as stated by Scottland, your reactions are impaired and you are dangerous; even if you feel fine.

Could you really live with yourself if you did kill someone? Would you keep asking yourself if not drinking would have made the difference?

The limit is there for a reason.

You have two options, grow up or get banned / worse (sooner or later).

NiCkNaMe said:
I don't see how its drink driving if you've had a good 6 hours sleep and feel totally fine in the morning!! I bet there's hardly any evidence to prove your still a risk the morning after and I bet you'l be hard pushed to find any accurate figures!
What in the name of? It's basic biology! FACT!

Edit: And to the OP - don't be so aggressive, heck. Tell her yes you were out and you did drink, admit you didn't have a shower or whatever because, well, you're a teenager and prefer sleep like the rest of us, and that you won't do it again because you're at college, not a 14 year old who just discovered WKD. Easy peasy :)

Quite seriously, it is not a big issue.
By the sounds of it the lecturer was trying to give you a polite warning, and reminder of your responsibilities.

She could have called the police when she smelt the alcohol on your breath knowing you'd driven in - I don't know if I would have bothered with the warning, and I suspect she didn't because she didn't want to cause trouble..

You can, as others have said have drinks and still be over the limit more than 30 hours later in some cases, and 5-6 hours certainly isn't enough to shift it all out of your system if you've had what many would consider a "reasonable" amount.

I suggest you visit 5-iveO sometime and do a search on drink driving there, the cops who post on the forum apparently frequently pull over people who had been drinking the night before and "felt fine" after a few hours sleep.
From your post (i.e. your side of things) it does sound as though she was a little bit OTT, especially bringing it up at a later date. However, there may be more to her side of the story - maybe she has lost a close friend or relative in an accident involving a drink driver?

Personally, I would just try to forget it (I know this is hard when you *know* you are in the right) as she may just have a reason to be slightly over reactive.

If you feel that you really must take this further (i.e. if you think it will have a detrimental effect on your education), arrange another meeting with her to discuss it. If that doesn't help, arrange a meeting with the principle. During these meetings simply discuss the situation - do not threaten anyone with any action over it. If it is a simple misunderstanding, then there should be no problem sorting it out.
NiCkNaMe said:
I don't see how its drink driving if you've had a good 6 hours sleep and feel totally fine in the morning!! I bet there's hardly any evidence to prove your still a risk the morning after and I bet you'l be hard pushed to find any accurate figures!
Suppose you go out the following morning, and through no fault of your own, are in an accident. Maybe you're stationary and get hit. The police arrive, something sparks their suspicion and they breathalyse you.

If your readings are over the limit, it won't matter a damn how you feel, whether you think you are fine or how much sleep you had. If that test comes back positive, you get arrested. If a subsequent test comes back positive you get charged. If you go before magistrates in those circumstances, you WILL be convicted and you WILL be banned. When you get your licence back, your insurance premiums are very likely to be enormous.

Drink driving is an absolute offence, and it doesn't matter how you feel, how good or bad your driving is, or whether an incident is your fault. It ALL depends on your blood alcohol readings.

Oh, and if you have an accident that IS your fault, and someone is badly hurt or killed, not only will you have your conscience to deal with, but quite possibly a prison sentence too.
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