Shock said:
What the hell is going through your head lol? If I didn't care why would I bother trying to work out if I should have drove or not?
That morning two weeks ago, I had to be up early and it didn't cross my mind. I could have been over, but it looks like I wasn't. This thread has also made me and a few others aware of just how long it takes alcohol to leave the system. I really can't see what you're problem is with me.
As for you saying "the reality that i've been drinking and driving". Do you know something I don't? Lets give it a rest. I'm not some child killer.
As you don't know for sure if you were over the limit or not, I certainly don't know. I'm not, and haven't, accused you of drinking and driving. Others in this thread, I can't speak for.
But I'll tell you what my problem is. If you drink and then drive a car, it's your
duty to know, or at least think about, whether you are over the limit or not. Your attitude throughout has been defensive, and along the lines of "I hadn't thought about it."
Why hadn't you?
Some people drink and drive deliberately, others through thoughtlessness or carelessness, but their victims are just as dead either way. If you're adult enough to have the responsibility of driving a car, you're adult enough to have to take responsibility for your actions, and it's not going to be much consolation if you'd had an accident and killed someone that you "hadn't thought about it".
Again, I stress, I don't know if you were over the limit or not on this particular occasion. That isn't my point. My point is that you didn't know, hadn't thought about it, and should have. But that doesn't make you the devil incarnate, and my comments aren't a frothing-at-the-mouth denunciation .... simply a statement that my opinion is that ANYONE getting behind the wheel of a car can't use ignorance of the effects of alcohol or lack of thought about it as an excuse for putting people's lives at risk.
This is why I pointed out that drink driving is an absolute offence. It matters not if you (the generic 'you', not you personally) knew you were over the limit, and you don't have to have done it deliberately. Drink driving is an offence, regardless of knowledge or intent, and it is a moral offence too. Drivers owe a duty to other people to know about this, and to act accordingly. That means, in my view, "if in doubt, don't."
If you aren't sure you're under the limit, don't drive. That's my view. And you clearly weren't sure you were under the limit, or there'd have been no need for this thread.
But what REALLY gives me the hump in this thread is those people implying or stating that people are vehement about drink driving because it's fashionable to do so, or they're the mindless victims of some government or media hype. People ignorant enough to accuse others of that want to try spending several months at the bedside of their child or, worse yet, burying a loved one because some ignorant twerp drinks and drives, THEN say they're just falling for government hype. That remark from Telescopi was incredibly offensive and I'm seriously disappointed that such drivel should come from a commissario on these forums.
Drink driving causes real misery, real tragedies that wreck lives and families, and shouldn't be trivialised by such assinine remarks.