SETI@home News Vol. 122 (06/02/2011)

Evening Mr Marine sah, feels jolly good to be back wot wot.
Darn shame i was expecting the new 590 to be out now oh well in time, and exactly how much damage have you inflicted on your long suffering hardware sah? ;):)
Nice one have only been back home since sunday and just gotten round to sorting machine out, not happy with 5 weeks of mouldy milk in the fridge nasty!!
But what a suprise i just installed boinc and no work available won't put me off mind.
Which particular bunch of muppets.....oh i errr mean fellow seti crunchers are we going to grind into the dirt next?
Top 30! Well done Mr M it might take me a week or 2 to get upto full steam but will get there no doubt and crack on with this sr2 build in the mean time.
Guess i will leave it running tonight, its allways good to wake upto an ambient 70 degrees :)
Waking Waking everyone, first day of the rest of your life etc :D

Allmost forgot to ask, did i miss anything exciting? :)
Have work now and happilly crunching away feels good :o:)

Welcome back TT :)
I am gonna post this tiffie in the hopes that some giants will reawaken for the good of the team... or get stomped in 2 weeks time as I attempt to reenter the top 10 (you know who you are :)).

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