/usr/local/bin/pihole -g
/usr/local/bin/pihole restartdns
0 4 * * * root /root/pihole_update.sh
Wow it is just me or are you blocking ~1.4 million more domains that a standard install? Where have you garnered these extra domains from?
Login to PiHole then Settings and on the right you will see Pi-Hole's Block Lists and you can add the address of list down the bottom and then do a save and updateHow do I add these to pi-hole?
Seems this new link is quite aggressive in what it includes. You'll probably all shout at me but I use feedly for my RSS feeds, which it blocked, and it seems to have killed Skype. There is no way I could get everyone to move away and use something else andadly I've not been able to workout which domains to whitelist to get Skype working. Don't suppose anyone knows?
Login to PiHole then Settings and on the right you will see Pi-Hole's Block Lists and you can add the address of list down the bottom and then do a save and update
Thanks for these, it helps but it's not the whole list, also addedTry whitelisting s.gateway.messenger.live.com ui.skype.com pricelist.skype.com apps.skype.com m.hotmail.com s.gateway.messenger.live.com sa.symcb.com s{1..5}.symcb.com
I'm close to following. It takes quite a long time for each domain to be whitelisted and then it doesn't always fix what you're trying to resolve, so a slow old process.Far to aggressive for me, I tried adding some additional blacklists a while back and many useful sites were blocked. I've gone back to the original Pi-hole supplied lists now and that's enough.