Setting up Pi-hole

Cool thanks Feek.

New problem, it seems to block some FB functionality - chat isn't working, ill have to reset the lists and find out which one it was lol

I've moved away from pihole now and use dnsmasq with some blocklists. I found with the blocklists that I use, or were the lines that were affecting Facebook access, so I remove them from the lists. Hope that helps.
I updated my pihole yesterday which I have running on an old early model b with only 256mb and I have to say I'm impressed, the webif was always slow to load before but now it's lovely and speedy!
Wow, wish I had set this up ages ago.

Got Pi Hole set up on my Synology and it's running a treat.

Blocking 2.4 million domains with a good chunk of the 'ticked' lists added from this page....

Internet noticeably quicker!
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Just got this running again on my proper lan - block list is saying its blocking '-1' domains - any idea why? Followed bledds guide and pointed router at the IP of the pihole's as the primary DNS.

EDIT: Also appears I cannot update my apple devices with pihole running - once I put my DNS back to what it should be - it works fine - only enabled default lists
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Does anyone here have a Fire Tablet? I got one for Xmas but hate the lock screen ads. Has anyone had any joy blocking them with Pi Hole? There's some adb commands I've found online but they only seem to stop the ads for a few hours then they're back. seems to be the main culprit and I've added it as a blocked domain but doesn't seem to make any difference. isn't a domain, i'd be surprised if you can block the adverts as they'll likely stream them from the same domains as the content in order to get around the blocking.

Apparently you can request the advert removal via chat looking at some post on the xda forums or continue to keep removing via adb as it probably reinstalls itself when updates are performed or something like that.
Does anyone here have a Fire Tablet? I got one for Xmas but hate the lock screen ads. Has anyone had any joy blocking them with Pi Hole? There's some adb commands I've found online but they only seem to stop the ads for a few hours then they're back. seems to be the main culprit and I've added it as a blocked domain but doesn't seem to make any difference.

You'll get used to the ads and your brain will just bypass them.

I switch my Fire on, and swipe to unlock withour even seeing the ads now.
I've done the adb trick but it only seems to last 24 hours then the ads are back. I'm finding Pi-Hole is getting more and more less useful now that websites are starting to host their ads on the same domain meaning if you block the domain, you block all the content.

I could potentially flash it with a custom rom if the ads do become too intrusive. I'm aware of the option to request Amazon to remove the ads, but yet to try my luck. The fact you can pay a fee either pre or post purchase to remove the ads speaks volumes.

Edit: Doesn't even look like you can flash the latest Fire OS. Sigh...
There's an update for Pi-hole now but be aware that if you're using Raspbian Jessie then dnsmasq breaks because it updates to a version that's unsupported by Jessie.

I've rebuilt my second Pi-hole to Stretch and am going to move the primary one over to another Pi Zero - It's currently running on a Pi2 with OpenVPN and getting it all working was a pain. I don't want to have to rebuild that under Stretch.

Pimoroni have a 10% discount on everything at the moment until tomorrow. I've ordered a Zero (not W), case and USB ethernet adapter for about £15 delivered. Coupon code is YEAROFTHEDOG
What's your Pi count now Feek? :)

Currently on 4 (2 in use)
Pi modelB
Pi2 LibreElec
Pi3 Unifi controller, PiHole, WakeOnLan 'server'

Tempted to go for that Feek. Out of interest, any one have any issues with Pi-Hole lately? I find a handful of websites just won't load and I have to go on to mobile data to load it. For example, I was having an issue with a family member's phone, so went onto O2's and 3's website but both were being blocked. I've never had that before.

Tempted to just start over again.
What's your Pi count now Feek? :)

I think I've got thirteen deployed in the house with three spares.

Pi2 - Amateur radio QRSS grabber (this is on test and will be moved to a remote location once I've finished building the receiver I'm going to use
Pi2 - OpenVPN/ddclient/Pi-hole
Pi2 - Tor relay (just playing around, I've limited it to 30Gb data/day and it's using that)
Pi Zero - Radio gateway
Pi Zero W - Google AIS
Pi Zero W - Internet radio
Pi Zero W - Internet watchdog
Pi Zero W - Flashy Christmas tree (so now in loft)
Pi Zero W - Pi-hole
Pi3 - ADSB receiver
Pi3 - ADSB receiver
Pi3 - NextCloud
Pi3 - UniFi controller

The spares are...

Two spare Zero Ws
One spare Pi3

And there's a Zero (non W) on the way to deploy as another Pi-hole. I'll probably leave the one on the OpenVPN Pi2 there and it'll be used exclusively for incoming VPN clients.
Tempted to go for that Feek. Out of interest, any one have any issues with Pi-Hole lately? I find a handful of websites just won't load and I have to go on to mobile data to load it. For example, I was having an issue with a family member's phone, so went onto O2's and 3's website but both were being blocked. I've never had that before.

Tempted to just start over again.
No, can't say I've noticed that. But if your Pi-hole isn't on a Pi running Stretch, just blat it and start again - That way you can get the latest version.
Been trying to setup PiVPN and PiHole on the same pi(3).
However, PiVPN only supports Jessie which as @Feek mentioned doesn't work great with the latest PiHole.
Been running Pihole on it's own happily on a B+ model running Stretch for the last 4 months but got a 3 for xmas so wanted to move it across.
Anyone know if it's possible to run Pihole and PiVPN on different Pis or have any guide on doing so?
Tempted to go for that Feek. Out of interest, any one have any issues with Pi-Hole lately? I find a handful of websites just won't load and I have to go on to mobile data to load it. For example, I was having an issue with a family member's phone, so went onto O2's and 3's website but both were being blocked. I've never had that before.

Tempted to just start over again.
The latest update introduced a few bugs in that some components got updated and others didnt. They are also changing a few things under the hood which meant the reporting was a bit borked for a 24 hour period until older stuff was flushed out.
As someone else said though its super quick to reinstall an OS, bung pi-hole on it and re download your blocklists. Once you have done that you could even backup your image to make it quicker next time.
@MonkeyBasher thanks mate. Yea I wiped and started again yesterday, been working perfectly now I'm using stretch. It does mean I need to start again and use my other pi for pivpn but that's no problem.

Good idea on backing up the image.
Just got this set up and due to having Sky, i have set the Pi as my DHCP server. I dont need to make any changes to the DNS settings right? if its using the Pi to get an IP address?

Sucks that Youtube Ads don't block though. Its the only thing the other half uses, so i can't show off :D
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