sexual emergency

Genuine question ... do these rapey types not know how to masturbate or something? It's a pretty efficient and legal means to satisfy any sudden sexual urges in a private environment! :confused:

EDIT: As far as the context of this story goes, I did some Googling and apparently masturbation is forbidden in Islam at least. Don't know how well observed that is though? I think it's forbidden in Catholicism too :eek:
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Genuine question ... do these rapey types not know how to masturbate or something? It's a pretty efficient and legal means to satisfy any sudden sexual urges in a private environment! :confused:

EDIT: As far as the context of this story goes, I did some Googling and apparently masturbation is forbidden in Islam at least. Don't know how well observed that is though? I think it's forbidden in Catholicism too :eek:

By making masturbation a crime, religious types are suppressing a basic human drive. So it's no wonder when people from a regressive culture arrive in our streets that they see women and girls as candy. They still masturbate anyway when they feel the need anyhow so it's all a hypocrisy anyway. There are examples of men killing children for masturbation. . This is what happens when religion tries to emasculate men though scripture. They wind them up. They create little rape bombs, just waiting to go off.
So explain why the UK's politicians, celebs, footballers etc are raping young children?
Should we blame christianity or athiesm for that too? Or is it the British 'Culture' to blame?

Bad people are bad because they are bad people - nothing to do with religion or even culture - or shall we all agree british "pop culture" these days is rife with it too, bearing in mind the high profile cases of late.

It's funny how those people highlighting 'migrant rape' are overlooking the fact the indigenous folk are far worse in terms of rape! Guess they don't matter do they?

Whilst abhorrent acts I bet they pale when placed in direct comparison with 'local rape' figures without even having to bring stats into the picture!!

Maybe we should blame european culture as a whole!
LOL nothing to do with religion/culture... yet I don't think that Swedish town had the same problem a few years ago

Whilst abhorrent acts I bet they pale when placed in direct comparison with 'local rape' figures without even having to bring stats into the picture!!

So explain why the UK's politicians, celebs, footballers etc are raping young children?
Should we blame christianity or athiesm for that too? Or is it the British 'Culture' to blame?

Bad people are bad because they are bad people - nothing to do with religion or even culture - or shall we all agree british "pop culture" these days is rife with it too, bearing in mind the high profile cases of late.

It's funny how those people highlighting 'migrant rape' are overlooking the fact the indigenous folk are far worse in terms of rape! Guess they don't matter do they?

Whilst abhorrent acts I bet they pale when placed in direct comparison with 'local rape' figures without even having to bring stats into the picture!!

Maybe we should blame european culture as a whole!

I think you have missed the point, yes we have plenty of rapey types in the west, but over hear it is condemned, over there it's a free for all and accepted, do we really want that bringing over here? i know i don't.

So your point is nonsense.
So explain why the UK's politicians, celebs, footballers etc are raping young children?
Should we blame christianity or athiesm for that too? Or is it the British 'Culture' to blame?

Bad people are bad because they are bad people - nothing to do with religion or even culture - or shall we all agree british "pop culture" these days is rife with it too, bearing in mind the high profile cases of late.

It's funny how those people highlighting 'migrant rape' are overlooking the fact the indigenous folk are far worse in terms of rape! Guess they don't matter do they?

Whilst abhorrent acts I bet they pale when placed in direct comparison with 'local rape' figures without even having to bring stats into the picture!!

Maybe we should blame european culture as a whole!

You have completely missed the point. If the rape tally is going up faster than the indigenous population figures, and the figures of the migrant population are much higher in terms of sexual assaults and rapes, then that is a problem with the migrants. There's no arguing it, there's no excusing it because a footballer had consensual sexual activity with a girl too young to legally consent.

If you think those situations are in any way comparable with what is happening here then you're blind.

I'll take your bet. Given that you've proposed that 'local rape' figures must be so much worse than migrant population rape figures, go research it and report back, with sources, with your findings :) I'm willing to bet that the results will be diametrically opposed to your assertion.
On u go bud:

Twenty two signs that we live in a rape culture

Don't get me wrong - my point is pretty simple - Here we have a thread banging on about 'migrant rape culture' - every single 'incident' is reported here as if some people really give a poop about the victims, yet we have far worse going on in our own 'culture' - and other than one thread about jim'll fix it which fizzled out within two minutes we ignore what goes on by our own people. Wheres the threads covering what our politicians, footballers and celebs are doing? - oh yeah, its kool we can point fingers at 'outsiders' instead.

Quick to place the blame elsewhere, yet deny we have any problems.

BAD people are BAD - simple as (This is aimed at those blaming culture or religion for rape).
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Don't get me wrong - my point is pretty simple - Here we have a thread banging on about 'migrant rape culture' - every single 'incident' is reported here as if some people really give a poop about the victims, yet we have far worse going on in our own 'culture' - and other than one thread about jim'll fix it which fizzled out within two minutes we ignore what goes on by our own people. Wheres the threads covering what our politicians, footballers and celebs are doing? - oh yeah, its kool we can point fingers at 'outsiders' instead.

Quick to place the blame elsewhere, yet deny we have any problems.

you already embarrassed yourself with this nonsense on the first page of the thread
Ah deflective zoomee strikes again. The islamist who will defend his religions(cults) actions by pointing at what others will do.

Wouldn't surprise me if he is on a watch list...
BAD people are BAD - simple as (This is aimed at those blaming culture or religion for rape).

thats nonsense - people aren't born bad and there is overwhelming evidence that environmental factors are all important.

you can teach a person to be 'bad', just the same way you teach them to be 'good'.
the question is do certain cultures/religions do this?
thats the tricky question that people like to ignore.
On u go bud...

Your point is pretty simple, but that doesn't mean it's accurate. You appear to be saying that the migrant rape crisis doesn't exist because rape already happens in the west; ignoring the fact that the figures are accelerating and not continuing at the same pace. Yes, any rape at all is a problem, but when that problem is being exacerbated it means it's getting worse. That rape already existed doesn't excuse more of it.
Your point is pretty simple, but that doesn't mean it's accurate. You appear to be saying that the migrant rape crisis doesn't exist because rape already happens in the west; ignoring the fact that the figures are accelerating and not continuing at the same pace. Yes, any rape at all is a problem, but when that problem is being exacerbated it means it's getting worse. That rape already existed doesn't excuse more of it.

Some people on here fail to grasp that, well quite a lot of them actually, we know the one's, known as the west lover's on here :)
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