sexual emergency

Wow, has it become very multicultural since the migrant crisis and have they really made that much of an impact? I was last there during late 2013 and I saw very few people of non-European heritage, bar some Roma beggars.

Having spent time in various parts of Germany and Austria, I found the large cities I visited to be completely different to ours. It was a much welcomed break from muti-cultural Britain.

It'll be a shame if this has been lost :(

You should visit Russia. Lots of white, angry patriots in that country and virtually no brown skins, it seems to be going well for them too. :rolleyes:
Wow, has it become very multicultural since the migrant crisis and have they really made that much of an impact? I was last there during late 2013 and I saw very few people of non-European heritage, bar some Roma beggars.

Having spent time in various parts of Germany and Austria, I found the large cities I visited to be completely different to ours. It was a much welcomed break from muti-cultural Britain.

It'll be a shame if this has been lost :(

I don't know how it is all over Germany but in Berlin it is becoming much more "multicultural" which in reality just means 1 thing, Far less native people, Replaced with people from the middle east, Africa, Asia etc....and through that not only are our native German peoples slowly becoming less and less but our German culture is very slowly erased.

The really disturbing thing is that you can see it with your own eyes happening right now but when you point this out to native Germans they say -

"OMG you're worse than Hitler, You are doing much more damage to our culture than any refugee, You should be put in jail".

Yeah I'm really damaging my culture by not raping German women, Not defacing churches, Not looting stores, Not threatening old women, Not breaking into apartments, Not gang raping school children.

Yeah I'm so evil because I care about the future of my country, Culture and people.

Unfortunately, paranoid delusions did not pass you by. But hey, you can't have everything in life, can you?

So seeing things happen with my own eyes in my country is now being paranoid and delusional ? You must be a regressive liberal, No other type of complete moronic idiot could come out with something like that.
Trust you to discount something simply because a muslim wrote it :rolleyes:

Trust you to discount a fact simply because I said it :rolleyes:

This teenager handed himself in, none of the Cologne attackers did.
Spot the cultural difference.

She then tries to compare being sexually assaulted in the dark by large groups of men with no one to help, with being wound up during the day in front of a whole camera crew (say six people) in relative safety.

Then suggesting those teenagers were Christian Germans, now while they were clearly white Germans, to suggest they were Christian or that religion was the reason for this is clearly trying to blame shift away from Islam - "look, Christians raping people"

She then likened the claims of rape to the fantasies of racist conspiracy theorists, when they were just facts being covered up by the State.

Then suggesting that rape is a normal thing because white people rape half a million in the UK. Not sure what this has to do with Germany, or why we should treat this any differently.

Then she tries to discredit the clear association of an increase in rapes with immigrants by invoking Hitler (Godwins Law), and again a reference to "beer swilling Christians".
If anyone else had tried to associate such a bizarre stereotype with Islam do you imagine it would have been published?
Is every concern about immigration going to be censored by invoking Nazi's? Which she then does in the next paragraph, just in case you were still pretending this was unbiased...

"Brown men are not inherently more misogynistic or brutal than white men"

Being disingenuous again, because the culture of those "brown men" is often misogynistic and brutal (by our cultural standards), but she sidesteps this fact by pretending this is somehow about race.

But then instantly jumps back to religion by saying "Muslims are just as likely to be family-orientated, peaceful citizens ", and yes they areBut by quickly swapping the context she is manipulating the readerinto thinking this is about race when it's clearly about culture.

Zoomee this was a shoddy bit of journalism, and yes I doubt someone who wasn't from a muslim background would have been so desperate to blame shift because they wouldn't have been so anxious about how this was being seen.
They have no clue in Germany who they let in their country, that is very disturbing.

Two child migrants arrested in January after a 12-year-old girl was forced to perform sex acts with them are now thought to be adults at least 21 years of age.

Once in the centre they were allowed into the classroom alongside other children from Dusseldorf, and they were able there to gain access to the much younger girl.

This debacle is getting more and more bizarre.

So what they're saying is all a foreign peado had to do to get into a children's school is say they were 14 or whatever? :confused:
And who remembers the last story where the teacher decided to call the media instead of the police and the rapist ended up in the UK as well as in UK newspapers instead of in Austrian police custody?

Is this Europe lol? With all the child safeguarding measures at schools doesn't this sound absolutely ridiculous?

First they flood random people into the country to destabilise it as a whole - they got the results they were after and now they're flooding un-vetted adults and peados directly into children's classrooms to destabilise our children's lives and create a new climate of fear? As if the climate of fear of getting raped after the NYE charade wasn't enough?

It's absolute madness, reminds me of the Rochdale stuff where the authorities were told to allow the abuse to continue for years so they could have a mass media ****storm at the end and try to create as much civil unrest as possible.

I guess the instillation of fear of terrorist attacks in schools didn't really stick, so now they're trying to create a climate of fear that children are going to get raped at school so we can lose more liberties. As I said a few pages back Western governments have given its citizens unparalleled liberty for decades. All good things must, and are going to, come to an end; including education apparently.

It's only a matter of time whether it takes 1 day or 100 years. Nothing can stop the inevitability of human nature. :(
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It's absolute madness, reminds me of the Rochdale stuff where the authorities were told to allow the abuse to continue for years so they could have a mass media ****storm at the end and try to create as much civil unrest as possible.


Source for that one?
Source for that one?

Haha have you been asleep mate? :p I thought it was common knowledge that the authorities nurtured/turned a blind eye to the abuse so that it could affect as many people as possible, paving the way for the present mass media **** storm, and consequential future relinquishment of liberty.

Channel 4 News said:
Solicitor Jonathan Bridge, who is a legal representative to two of the girls in the Rochdale case, told Channel 4 News: "It is clear that a blind eye was turned to what was going on;
Channel 4 News said:
Children and their parents repeatedly looked to Rochdale social services and the police for help, but were ignored. The reasons for this remain unclear.....

RochdaleOnline said:
An independent report into child sexual exploitation in Rochdale has concluded that senior officers of Rochdale Council turned a blind eye to child sex abuse.

And that's just the Rochdale charade.

Here's some from the Rotherham one:

She told social workers what was going on which led to a policeman driving her to a remote country lane where he ripped up paperwork in front of her and branded her "a liar".
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They were ignored because the police and social services believed the girls involved were complicit slappers.

Not because of some X-files style conspiracy to erode civil liberties.
Looking at the 2013 article.

MP for Rochdale, Simon Danczuk, has called for Roger Ellis to pay back his enormous pension fund, and he said it was wrong that Mr Ellis had been "allowed to escape disciplinary action by taking early retirement".

and now

In December 2015, it was reported that Danczuk had split from his girlfriend Claire Hamilton, a Labour councillor in Leyland.[46] Soon after, The Sun published sexually graphic text messages that Danczuk had exchanged with a 17-year-old female job applicant, which the newspaper reported were the cause of the split.

Yup, well done Simon. Well done indeed you grievous pile of ****, maybe you'll pay us back your nice MP salary and pension pot too.
So don't have a source. You're just making a massive leap of illogic.

Erm.. There are actually three phases to what I said.

Phase 1: Abuse was allowed to continue.
Phase 2: Present mass media ****storm.
Phase 3: Future loss of liberty.

Now where exactly is the "leap of illogic" please?

For Phase 1, I've provided the sources as well as quotations which explicitly state that abuse was allowed to continue. And you simply deny the sources?? :confused:

Phase 2 is actually presently observable and doesn't require a source for itself, because it's observable merely by the sheer number of news articles relating to this. The fact that a media ****storm occurred after the rochdale/rotherham charades is openly observable and common knowledge. (just look how long the other thread is)

Phase 3 is simple and basic inevitability. And is actually already presently observable to some extent.
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And how will this loss of liberty manifest exactly?

If it's some sort of law designed to stop paedo men hanging around with underage girls and plying them with drink and drugs - I think you'll find that's already a thing.
And how will this loss of liberty manifest exactly?

If it's some sort of law designed to stop paedo men hanging around with underage girls and plying them with drink and drugs - I think you'll find that's already a thing.

Erm thats the second weird thing you've mentioned in 10 minutes.

Stopping peados hanging around with underage girls so they don't have an opportunity to ply them with drink or drugs is NOT a loss of liberty. I don't know how twisted one's mind has to be to think that is a loss of liberty :eek:
I'm trying to see what you are suggesting the loss of liberty will be, and you've yet to answer me.

Any one with half a brain can see I'm not saying any of this is a good thing.
Erm.. There are actually three phases to what I said.

Phase 1: Abuse was allowed to continue.
Phase 2: Present mass media ****storm.
Phase 3: Future loss of liberty.

Now where exactly is the "leap of illogic" please?

For Phase 1, I've provided the sources as well as quotations which explicitly state that abuse was allowed to continue. And you simply deny the sources?? :confused:

Phase 2 is actually presently observable and doesn't require a source for itself, because it's observable merely by the sheer number of news articles relating to this. The fact that a media ****storm occurred after the rochdale/rotherham charades is openly observable and common knowledge. (just look how long the other thread is)

Phase 3 is simple and basic inevitability. And is actually already presently observable to some extent.

No, and as others have pointed out your main point was to say it was ignored so there would be a massive ****storm, no other reason, just that, you are good with these made up stories like some of your other chums, in a round about and under handed way you are blaming the west again.

Please post a source that proves it was only turned a blind eye to so the media could run riot :rolleyes:

That is what you have been asked in the above posts, and dont post other nonsense without an actual source like we have asked.

Source or don't reply, simple.
I forgot to add, like your 3 phases, do you have a source and proof for all that, no, more guesswork on your behalf again.
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