sexual emergency

I'm trying to see what you are suggesting the loss of liberty will be, and you've yet to answer me.

Any one with half a brain can see I'm not saying any of this is a good thing.

Stop lying now, I've yet to answer you? You haven't even asked the question lmao. If you wanted to know what specific liberty is going to be lost you would have and should have simply asked "so what liberty are we going to lose?", what you actually said was this:

They were ignored because the police and social services believed the girls involved were complicit slappers.

Not because of some X-files style conspiracy to erode civil liberties.

In this case the liberty at stake is education. You cant say flooding peados directly into European classrooms which should have child safeguarding measures in place is not a threat to our educational liberty.
They were ignored because the police and social services believed the girls involved were complicit slappers.

Not because of some X-files style conspiracy to erode civil liberties.

Oh my goodness.

You're saying it's okay to ignore child sexual abuse if police believe the child is complicit? Why is there an age of consent then? :confused:

How is he saying that?
No, and as others have pointed out your main point was to say it was ignored so there would be a massive ****storm, no other reason, just that, you are good with these made up stories like some of your other chums, in a round about and under handed way you are blaming the west again.

Please post a source that proves it was only turned a blind eye to so the media could run riot :rolleyes:

That is what you have been asked in the above posts, and dont post other nonsense without an actual source like we have asked.

Source or don't reply, simple.

Are you asleep, You honestly cant see the present media interest?? So what's been happening since the Rochdale/rotherham incidents if the media hasn't been having a ****storm?

Did they simply have a quiet court case and did what they had to from the start or did every single detail find it's way to mass media? There's no source for saying the media has been milking the rochdale incidents because you just need to look at the sheer volume of media interest!! :D
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Stop lying now, I've yet to answer you? You haven't even asked the question lmao. If you wanted to know what specific liberty is going to be lost you would have and should have simply asked "so what liberty are we going to lose?", what you actually said was this:

In this case the liberty at stake is education. You cant say flooding peados directly into European classrooms which should have child safeguarding measures in place is not a threat to our educational liberty.

You do talk some monkey's spuds.
Are you asleep? So what's been happening since the Rochdale/rotherham incidents if the media hasn't been having a ****storm?

Did they simply have a court case and did what they had to from the start or did every single detail find it's way to mass media? There's no source for saying the media has been milking the rochdale incidents because you just need to look at the sheer volume of media interest!! :D

Again your at it, yes i fully accept there has been a media ****storm, how am i saying there isnt or wasnt a media riot, i am saying that the abuse was not ignored for that bleeding reason though, your a case.

You opinion on the issue is that the authorities ignored all the raping of kids as to create a media ****storm, are you serious
Haha have you been asleep mate? :p I thought it was common knowledge that the authorities nurtured/turned a blind eye to the abuse so that it could affect as many people as possible,

Erm.. There are actually three phases to what I said.

Phase 1: Abuse was allowed to continue.
Phase 2: Present mass media ****storm.
Phase 3: Future loss of liberty.

Now where exactly is the "leap of illogic" please?

For Phase 1, I've provided the sources as well as quotations which explicitly state that abuse was allowed to continue. And you simply deny the sources?? :confused:

Phase 2 is actually presently observable and doesn't require a source for itself, because it's observable merely by the sheer number of news articles relating to this. The fact that a media ****storm occurred after the rochdale/rotherham charades is openly observable and common knowledge. (just look how long the other thread is)

Phase 3 is simple and basic inevitability. And is actually already presently observable to some extent.

You first post implies that they intentionally did it to cause the media '**** storm'. You have nothing to prove that whatsoever. You provide no evidence as to their reasons for doing it in the slightest.
Merely evidence that it was hushed up.
You first post implies that they intentionally did it to cause the media '**** storm'. You have nothing to prove that whatsoever. You provide no evidence as to their reasons for doing it in the slightest.
Merely evidence that it was hushed up.

I see.

Well there are two parts to the statement.

The part where they "intentionally" did it is a complete and utter fact. You don't accidentally tear up paperwork. You don't accidentally go deaf when someone's pleading for help. You don't accidentally ignore someone. Moving on...

The part where I say they did it to "cause" the media ****storm is based on the actual outcome of past events, however I conditionally assume that the authorities were aware of their actions and not suffering from some sort of psychosis at the time. The motivation of anyone's actions can never be substantiated for goodness sake, but, the motivation can be assumed to a very high accuracy based on multiple calibrated probability assessments....

First, we need to establish what happens when someone's plea for external help is ignored.

The most probable answer is that the plea will remain active until the ignorance stops and actual external intervention finally takes place as pleaded. This has already been evidenced by actuality. Because the plea did, in actual fact, remain valid until external intervention actually occurred. It evidently was not an internal/self-resolution.

Not only is this the most probable potentiality, and not only is it what actually happened; it is what must be assumed and what should have always been assumed for any investigation to even commence!!!

Now, assuming the authorities weren't suffering from some sort of psychosis/thought disorder at the time, it can be assumed quite accurately that they were actually aware of the most obvious potential outcome of completely ignoring child rape allegations. This is before you even consider things like the amount of victims, the number of rapists, etc.
What new drugs are you on? The amount of crap you've been speaking whilst trying to sound intelligent for the last few months is astounding!

Also, still no source from you!

If you actually understood anything you would understand why that particular aspect cannot be substantiated, continuing to ask for sources for this just makes you look silly to me. I even said you cant evidence or substantiate someone's motives. But you can make calculated assumptions for the cause of certain motives based on the outcome of events and calibrated probability assessment.

This case is great because it's in the past and everything has already happened yet you're still denying reality. Actually you're denying that it was the actual motive, but that's fair enough, if you want to deny that you are certainly entitled to. But I am also entitled to assume certain things based on circumstance and calculated probability. It's just probability at the end of the day, even I'm not 100% certain.
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If you actually understood anything you would understand why that particular aspect cannot be substantiated, continuing to ask for sources for this just makes you look silly to me. I even said you cant evidence or substantiate someone's motives. But you can make calculated assumptions for the cause of certain motives based on the outcome of events and calibrated probability assessment. This case is great because it's in the past and everything has already happened yet you're still denying reality.

Hold on. I look silly after you placed accusations based on assumptions with no backup? Like I said, trying to sound intelligent.
Hold on. I look silly after you placed accusations based on assumptions with no backup? Like I said, trying to sound intelligent.

Seriously? I'm trying to sound intelligent because I said you look silly if you try to ask for sources for something which I have just explained cannot even have a source? That's honestly your idea of someone trying to sound intelligent?


Are you self conscious about your intelligence or something? Stop getting preoccupied with who looks intelligent or whatever, I'm just here to post my ideas and learn things in return. If they make you think that I'm trying to be intelligent or something perhaps it's just time to move on?
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Seriously? I'm trying to sound intelligent because I said you looks silly if you try to ask for sources for something which I have explained cannot even have a source?


Are you self conscious about your intelligence or something? Stop getting preoccupied with who looks intelligent or whatever, I'm just here to post my ideas and learn things in return. If they make you think that I'm intelligent or something why not just move on?

Because you're talking needless crap. I'll break it down for you though.

In your first post i quoted you stated as if it was fact that these crimes had been intentionally kept quiet to create a media storm. You then posted several sources claiming to be evidence of this that weren't.

Within your next reply to me you then said anyone must logically come to that assumption.
You then tried to say that asking for sources made me stupid.

So just to be clear you state it's fact and then you say asking to prove it's fact makes me stupid.
I'm saying you're making assumptions. To declare something as fact based upon assumptions is stupid.
Because you're talking needless crap. I'll break it down for you though.

In your first post i quoted you stated as if it was fact that these crimes had been intentionally kept quiet to create a media storm. You then posted several sources claiming to be evidence of this that weren't.

Within your next reply to me you then said anyone must logically come to that assumption.
You then tried to say that asking for sources made me stupid.

So just to be clear you state it's fact and then you say asking to prove it's fact makes me stupid.
I'm saying you're making assumptions. To declare something as fact based upon assumptions is stupid.

Conspiracy theory according to asim:

1. Create civil unrest in your own population.
2. False flag operations.
3. Neurolinguistic programming.
4. Summon Cthulu.
5. ???
6. Profit.

It makes sense obviously to stir unrest and destroy your own society, because the more unpopular and disastrous your policies, the more electable you are. Nobody ever votes a crap government out, like they did with Labour the election before last. Nobody ever does that.

But then I'm forgetting another of asim's insights, that it's actually the shadow government pulling the strings. For all we know Alan Sugar could be the real world leader, with his deputies Ant and Dec.

And the shadow govt has realised that the best way to further their own interests is the destruction of society as we know it, along with the collapse of the economy. Because, as Mad Max has taught us, everybody has more fun in a post-apocalyptic world. Who needs a functioning society and economy when you could engineer the downfall of your own country?

Perhaps the shadow government are aliens, tho. That could explain things. They want our delicious kidneys for their alien sushi. There's just nothing like the taste of a human kidney. And what better way to get some then with the destruction of European societies? Maybe that's where Cthulu comes in.

Anyway, this is all clearly sane rationale and not the thoughts of a typical conspiracy theorist. Nobody should be making those kinds of allegations against such a clear-heading thinker and rationalist as asim.
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