Shadow Warrior 2

Got mine from G2Play.
FFS 90% cmon, additionally I'm playing on a now ancient i7 860k @4ghz with 16gb RAM and a 980Ti so I guess we'll see how it runs. I'm hopeful given the minimum specs.
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Can confirm its runs beautifully and looks superb. Got everything maxed out at 1440p and the options are pretty complete.
I bought it directly on steam, 30 euros in preorder because I got a discount for owning previous games. Flying Wild Hog just rules.

And yeah the game looks amazing and runs great. In 4K ultra I get 40-60fps with 1070, in 1440p ultra I get 60fps.
This got 21:9 3440x1440p ultrawide support either no ****** hud bugs?

During my review of the game, I tested Shadow Warrior 2 at Ultra settings @ 3440x1440 and was still hitting upwards of 100+ FPS. The game isn't as demanding as say, Gears of War 4, and the graphics are a mixture of impressive and so-so textures throughout the game.
None the less, this game is very pretty where it counts, in / during combat.
Wait..4 Player Online Campaign Co-Op.

I was sold before that, but doubly sold on co-op mode! Loved the first one (And the REAL first one back decades ago!)
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