Shamima Begum: Runaway IS bride to find out if she can return to UK

for me there are 2 issues here (other than she was only 15 when she left the UK). 1, removing someone citizenship from the country they were born in is wrong. If a a person was born and raised in a country that country should punish them and not dump them in another country which had no involvement in their development. It isn't fair on the other country to take another countries criminals. 2, it made all non-white citizens second class citizens. If a 2 British citizens commit a crime together and 1 is white/English and the other was born in the UK but is from say Indian descent; there is a precedent in kicking one out of the country while the other goes to prison and be released after x amount of time.

Yeyeyeye white people bad, we get it.

Should let everyone join terrorist regimes without any consequences, if anything support them when it doesn't work out.
If she was a 15 year old girl groomed into sex acts we'd be all over the perpetrators but because she was groomed to be a bride for a terrorist nobody cares.
It obviously didn't help with some of the stuff she said when interviewed at the time.
I also find it wrong that all she did was go over to be a bride but we have 100s of the actual fighters living in this country who were allowed to come back.
It's all wrong to me, they should all be sent back

That's not all she did. She continued to espouse support for what they did. She showed no remorse until it became clear she was going to face punishment. Vile human.
Others can't be sent back as they don't have citizenship elsewhere.
I remember when the reports of the three girls heading to Turkey surfaced and thinking how direct lines of communication between children and terrorist could be established and maintained without loitering munitions ending the call.
There were spies on the ground if I remember correctly?
Several of them had come in contact with the girls but obviously couldn't do anything in fear of blowing their cover.
Was it one of the usual suspects?
An actual Space Oddity.

I wrote to my MP when she had her citizenship taken away, it was an appalling abuse of power. I suspect getting 100K signatures on a petition would be very straightforward especially given the overall level of comments on question time last night sadly our government won't even entertain doing the right thing as they have wedded themselves to this ludicrous position.
TBH If she came back in a dinghy, she would probably not only become a celebratory, but would also win The Great British Bake Off as the only female to make the crossing since 1992 ;)
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Even if she doesn't repent, even if she hates this country and everyone in it... we still don't have any right to make her stateless and then make her someone else's problem.

If we catch a British citizen spying for Iran or Russia.. let's say they are totally indoctrinated and pledge their undying support to Putin or whatever. We lock them up here, don't we? We don't ship them off to Oz anymore, or dump them in Guantanamo.

Honestly, if she's a massive security threat lock her up. We can't make her stateless, it's just not cricket! She's our problem and we need to take responsibility for that problem. Unless since Brexit we've just decided we don't give a crap about international law or being good a good citizen on the world stage. Rargh, rargh, Britannia.

Is what she's done even worse than some of the most violent criminals currently locked up?
Even if she doesn't repent, even if she hates this country and everyone in it... we still don't have any right to make her stateless and then make her someone else's problem.

If we catch a British citizen spying for Iran or Russia.. let's say they are totally indoctrinated and pledge their undying support to Putin or whatever. We lock them up here, don't we? We don't ship them off to Oz anymore, or dump them in Guantanamo.

Honestly, if she's a massive security threat lock her up. We can't make her stateless, it's just not cricket! She's our problem and we need to take responsibility for that problem. Unless since Brexit we've just decided we don't give a crap about international law or being good a good citizen on the world stage. Rargh, rargh, Britannia.

Is what she's done even worse than some of the most violent criminals currently locked up?
:cry: :cry: :cry:
If we just do it for one person, like this girl, then it's a political stunt, really.

It's not really a useful tool to be used whenever a Brit commits a serious crime abroad. Most of the time, you'd expect them to serve jail time in that country, then get deported back here, possibly to continue their sentence in this country.

The difference here is she was all over the news. And it became political.

I don't really see this power being used often or even consistently. We know full well we can't just make serious criminals stateless.

So again, just doing it for this one girl - it's a political stunt, a populist stunt. It has nothing to do with law and order, or even national security.
Well, we do and we have.
Haven't you seen the news?
Would you feel the same if some Syrians came here and started knifing people? And Syria quickly decided they didn't want them back, so made them stateless.

Would you say that, after any imprisonment here, we should deport them back to Syria? Or would you be happy to just let them live here as stateless people. Or maybe imprison them here indefinitely? Or what? Send them to Iceland? Bulgaria? Drop them out of a plane in Russia somewhere?

It's not even a human rights angle. It's "Why should anyone else have to deal with our citizens that have committed crimes abroad but served their term?"

You don't have to like them, and nobody is playing a small fiddle to the tune of "Think of the children." But she is/was/should be a British citizen. Making people stateless is quite rightly contrary to a whole bunch of international conventions.

And again, the fact that we've only done this for her, because of a media frenzy, does suggest this is all just a political stunt, which plays well with the Tories base.
I was not born here, however, the entirety of the rest of the world comes last, where the UK comes first.

Anyone who disagrees with that, should be deported, regardless if they are an immigrant or if they are born here.
Would you feel the same if some Syrians came here and started knifing people? And Syria quickly decided they didn't want them back, so made them stateless.

Would you say that, after any imprisonment here, we should deport them back to Syria? Or would you be happy to just let them live here as stateless people. Or maybe imprison them here indefinitely? Or what? Send them to Iceland? Bulgaria? Drop them out of a plane in Russia somewhere?

It's not even a human rights angle. It's "Why should anyone else have to deal with our citizens that have committed crimes abroad but served their term?"

You don't have to like them, and nobody is playing a small fiddle to the tune of "Think of the children." But she is/was/should be a British citizen. Making people stateless is quite rightly contrary to a whole bunch of international conventions.

And again, the fact that we've only done this for her, because of a media frenzy, does suggest this is all just a political stunt, which plays well with the Tories base.

Deportation is not for violent criminals, they would be executed regardless of citizenship.
I was not born here, however, the entirety of the rest of the world comes last, where the UK comes first.

Anyone who disagrees with that, should be deported, regardless if they are an immigrant or if they are born here.
I don't agree with that. I'm not nationalist in the slightest. Also, isolationism and/or exclusively looking for one's own self-interest cannot work in our global 21st century world. And isolationism/self-interest will make it harder to solve the really big problems of our time.

If you're going to deport on those grounds, then I'm fine with being deported, as in that case clearly the patients are running the asylum, and I'd be better off literally anywhere else.

Thankfully that pretty extreme position is yours and probably not most people's.

And nice to see you close with an endorsement for capital punishment. Not at all a stereotype, are you.
Even if she doesn't repent, even if she hates this country and everyone in it... we still don't have any right to make her stateless and then make her someone else's problem.
What I don’t understand about this is why she doesn’t just get on boat with the 1,000s of others who come every year. Claim asylum. There’s no way they’re deporting her once she’s in.
Would you feel the same if some Syrians came here and started knifing people? And Syria quickly decided they didn't want them back, so made them stateless.

Would you say that, after any imprisonment here, we should deport them back to Syria? Or would you be happy to just let them live here as stateless people. Or maybe imprison them here indefinitely? Or what? Send them to Iceland? Bulgaria? Drop them out of a plane in Russia somewhere?

It's not even a human rights angle. It's "Why should anyone else have to deal with our citizens that have committed crimes abroad but served their term?"

You don't have to like them, and nobody is playing a small fiddle to the tune of "Think of the children." But she is/was/should be a British citizen. Making people stateless is quite rightly contrary to a whole bunch of international conventions.

And again, the fact that we've only done this for her, because of a media frenzy, does suggest this is all just a political stunt, which plays well with the Tories base.

I don't think she should have been made stateless either but our government seem to be completely incapable of punishing the spreading of radicalization that is completely and culturally incompatible with this countries culture and values.

The sad thing is it is not just our government that is completely failing at this, pretty much most of Europe for many it is becoming deeply worrying.
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