Shooting at live Twitch Madden tournament - four reported to be dead

Dear me. All over a computer game? When did youngsters get so angry?

It'll be interesting to hear more about the shooter's background and possible causes for their behaviour.
Watched the video on mute and it's still harrowing. Just.... why :(

Edit: also wtf at some of the comments. I really do despair for humanity.
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Every time something like this happen I gets less sympathetic, I feel bad about it but nothing is going to change if they don’t change their laws. What’s the saying? Stupidity is expecting different results by doing the same thing over and over?
Nope that’s insanity ;).

Thoughts and prayers go out to the people who got killed...standard politician rubbish as per usual.
Dear me. All over a computer game? When did youngsters get so angry?

They don't know how to handle losing. You think it's bad now, just wait 10-15 years!

Everything is designed around equality and everyone being a winner. The minute they step into the real world they go into melt down.
Dear me. All over a computer game? When did youngsters get so angry?

It'll be interesting to hear more about the shooter's background and possible causes for their behaviour.

There are very two distinct personalities, if we talk about gaming first.

The first person will loose and blame himself, he will say i made X and Y mistakes, and sure, while my team played bad, i could have played better, and perhaps there are some things i can do to improve it next time.

The second person will seek to blame others all of the time, and rage all of the time because all they want is an easy win, not a challenge.

This translates into real life too, people who blame others for their life, never taking responsibility, never seeking to improve themselves, never willing to put in the effort.

While most of these people are just scumbags, some of them eventually will snap.
Security isnt like here as this is just daily ****

Spoken like a true welshmen whos never left the country.

Cant believe security not tight for a big event like this, they have scanners over here for music festivals because of Manchester bombing

But then again is this one of them allowed to carry states?

Yes you can conceal carry in Florida, they do have scanners and every bag is checked when entering theme parks etc, I guess this event was too small? :(
Just watched the YouTube video and can say I honestly shed a tear . Poor young kids having fun killed for no reason . And the coward who did it took the easy way out .

Edit: Notice the laser on his chest right before first shot? wtf man....

Yep, see the dot on his upper left chest.

I'm not going to assume he was the first one shot, it could be just how he was handling his pistol, but there is a good chance he was since the second or two after this screenshot, the shooting starts.


Anyway, regarding the gun debate, nothing will happen.

The cat is out the bag now and it's too fat to put it back in, but what amazes me is how the guy got the weapon inside? For a event like this, let alone the building itself, why wasn't there any security checkpoints? No metal detectors?
That's what you get for letting kids playing violent video games that allow the re-enacting of violent sports like American Football.


On a serious note this is tragic :(

The sad thing is I'm sure there's a ton of lobbying groups that will disappointed it wasn't a tournament for an FPS game, so they'd think they have a real excuse to blame it on the game.
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