Shotguns: Show us your clay / game / zombie bashers

Guys I'm looking to apply for my SGC in the new year and obviously have been looking at safes and guns... Would this safe be suitable?

Fancy something like a Hatsan Escort Grand Wood semi like this

I have only ever shot sporting and never seen anyone using anything other than an over and under. Any reason? Anybody any experiences with the Hatsan? They seem to get decent reviews :)
The gun cabinet is fine will easy pass inspection, as for the Hatsan I have the Marine version (silver bling init), nice well made budget semi auto, as long as you keep it clean and lubed you won't have any problems with it at all, might want to check some videos on youtube about cleaning them, it is a little complex, nothing major once you've done it a couple of times.

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Well in the end the weather had turned south and I didn't take it out of it's box. But yes, it's been inspected and it looks pretty sound, so I'm not worried about it. it hasn't been lapped, and the barrels are pretty thick.

Been busy with 'the season' so far; how about you guys? Yesterday I was in kent shooting ducks/geese, despite the fog. Small group of 4 guns; we did bag a few so it was OK, but the keeper re-invited us for a (hopefully) better day in January.

This saturday it's pigeons + ducks + walk up pheasants. Lets hope the weather is clear.

Unfortantely I haven't had the time so far this year to get out, my 2 year old along other things and hobbies have all my time filled up so my guns are oiled and stored collecting dust, would love to get my AYA No2 out, such a lovely gun to hold and shoot.

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Very nice indeed! I'm trying to squeeze a walk-up pheasant days before xmas, just to be able to walk the Maleham -- so far I've mostly shot with steel, so that rules out the old gun.

For the cabinet, I would advise a LARGER one. Seriously, if you go to the trouble of installing a cabinet, put a big one in... I can promise you that shotguns have a strong tendency to make babies when you aren't looking :-)

I started with a 5 guns cabinets, thinking it'd be enough... How wrong was I :-)
The gun cabinet is fine will easy pass inspection, as for the Hatsan I have the Marine version (silver bling init), nice well made budget semi auto, as long as you keep it clean and lubed you won't have any problems with it at all, might want to check some videos on youtube about cleaning them, it is a little complex, nothing major once you've done it a couple of times.

Nice :)
Where in Lincs are you? How about I pay for 50 clay sporting and the cartridges and you take me shooting? Only ever been to Cocketts in Farnsfield but I guess there are others... :)

Edit: just seen your next post :/
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I'm pretty much in Lincoln itself, I have some land (in picture above) in Newark I have a walk round shoot if I fancy it, good for rabbits pheasant's and pigeons mostly, sometime's it's dead (not literally) others the barrels are warm all day. As for clays I mostly go to Orston near Newark, though I've been to Cocketts once and enjoyed it. I'm up for anything if you fancy it.
Yep sounds good. I'd just like to try the gun out tbh so not fussed if we go shooting clays or rats lol
A couple of friends have been to Orston but apparently I would need my own SGC to shoot there as opposed to Cocketts where I can shoot under my friends' SGC...

I live in Newark BTW, by the Hospital if you know where that is... Email is in trust so give me a shout if you get chance :)
For the cabinet, I would advise a LARGER one. Seriously, if you go to the trouble of installing a cabinet, put a big one in... I can promise you that shotguns have a strong tendency to make babies when you aren't looking :-)

Yeah everybody says that... And I'm sure in a few years time I'll agree lol, but for now a 3 gun safe will be plenty :)
Game shooting today on the south downs. Beautiful day weather was fabulous.

156 shot total, 110 partridge and the rest duck and pheasant. Cartridge count was 450 odd for ten guns.

Shot my old English sbs and used my new Winchester pump for the duck. Great day and feel a bit sunburnt on the face :)

Took twenty of the partridge to the farm up the road which have now gone into the freezer for a feast in the new year. A few were taken by the other guns and the rest we think to the game dealer.
Macca, awesome! I was shooting today also (clay) and I also felt like I was cooking. I shot a round of skeet with the sun in the face, and still managed 20, most of the first 3 stations I shot completely blind :-)

Goose I shot this monday, served with a bed of white wine cooked Sauerkraut; breasts were cooked with a bit of peper/salt/herbs seasoning on the grill. First 'sear' them, then turn the heat down, add a bit of butter and cover for 5 minutes or so...


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My shotgun certificate ran out in September so sent renewal off in July - it's now middle of December and still hasn't arrived. (West Mercia ) -- I think they took over Warwickshire so double the load.

They sent me a temp cert but it's no use to me - can't buy guns or cartridges - good job had a few spare sitting around - now used up all those I got in bulk for £100 per 1k
DXP, I /think/ RFDs are aware of section 7 renewal problems and will let you buy cartridges; I've seen on a few forum posts that it's accepted, as there's so many people with a S7 placed on them due to renewal delays...
Perhaps might be a good idea to call the office and ask for that, from what I've read about it'll be ok to buy carts -- even if it's unlikely you'll be able to buy/sell guns in the meantime...
So this cabinet arrived, about every corner was scuffed/chipped and one of the corners was bent.
Emailed them last night when I unwrapped it and had a response first thing this morning. They first offered a 20% refund but I insisted on a replacement. A couple of hours later they replied asking me to dispose of the first cabinet and they will send out a replacement... So now I have two 3 gun safes :D

Fingers crossed the second one arrives in good condition.
So this cabinet arrived, about every corner was scuffed/chipped and one of the corners was bent.
Emailed them last night when I unwrapped it and had a response first thing this morning. They first offered a 20% refund but I insisted on a replacement. A couple of hours later they replied asking me to dispose of the first cabinet and they will send out a replacement... So now I have two 3 gun safes :D

Fingers crossed the second one arrives in good condition.

There you go, we told you it'd be a good idea to have more space :-)

Personally I have two 7 guns cabinets bolted together, I figured it'd be a LOT more difficult to remove/crack them then a bigger one...
7 guns between the two of us. 2 over and under for my wife, 2 for me; then one SxS each, and a hammer gun!
To be fair, the 'X gun cabinets' only really applies to over&unders; SxS are wide and don't just fit terribly well, so you need to get them barrel down/barrel up for them to fit.
Also, having more space means less bumping. It's uncanny how easy it is to bump one's nice gun around when in/out of the cabinet :/

For cartridges, as long as they are out of reach of kids and 'secure' and so on, they don't need any specific security (thanks crunchy, if you buy by the thousands you can often have 2+k carts around if you have clay + game + steel +...) In fact having them in a safe is a sure way of making something very, very nasty if you ever had a fire. Very not recommended!

The one thing is to keep them dry. it's quite important, as carts that haven't been stored very well won't burn nicely, and will leave a mess in the barrels. You'll know when you clean the gun afterward!
I've got two cabinets. I know what you mean about clattering them in and out. I break the ones I don't regularly use down and pack them in one and leave only the two I use regularly in a three gun cabinet.

Cartridges are scattered all over the place. There's 500 in the back of my truck rolling around
7 guns between the two of us. 2 over and under for my wife, 2 for me; then one SxS each, and a hammer gun!
To be fair, the 'X gun cabinets' only really applies to over&unders; SxS are wide and don't just fit terribly well, so you need to get them barrel down/barrel up for them to fit.
Also, having more space means less bumping. It's uncanny how easy it is to bump one's nice gun around when in/out of the cabinet :/

For cartridges, as long as they are out of reach of kids and 'secure' and so on, they don't need any specific security (thanks crunchy, if you buy by the thousands you can often have 2+k carts around if you have clay + game + steel +...) In fact having them in a safe is a sure way of making something very, very nasty if you ever had a fire. Very not recommended!

The one thing is to keep them dry. it's quite important, as carts that haven't been stored very well won't burn nicely, and will leave a mess in the barrels. You'll know when you clean the gun afterward!

Yeah after seeing how cosy this '3' gun cabinet is I can imagine any more than 2 will be a tight fit... Luckily I have a spare one now :D
SGC is approved :D Will have to wait a few weeks for the paperwork to come through.

Interestingly a stop and search that happened after walking home from the pub a decade ago came up in his search. I didn't think they logged that sort of thing! I wonder if I can get that removed from their systems?

Need to look into gun cabinets now and more importantly, what gun I want :D
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